Prayer Guides
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Weekly Prayers
Week 29 – (2023) Eyes Wide Open
What we see around us along with what we are being shown in the news, etc, is usually not where we need to focus. While many of us know that, our eyes and ears are still often times easily diverted. These are days in which our eyes need to be wide open and seeing...
Week 28 – (2023) God’s Children are NOT for Sale
We can no longer ignore the fact that children are being trafficked in America. The release of the movie “The Sound of Freedom” exposes the underbelly of the lucrative practice of selling children. It is more profitable than drugs and guns as those items can be sold...
Week 27 – (2023) Protect Freedom
Happy Independence day! As we celebrate freedom and our independence may we take the time to thank God for our nation and reflect on what we fought to be independent of. This week our prayer focus is for our “unalienable rights.” What does that phrase mean? A...
Week 26 – (2023) How to Stake Out Your City
There is not only a spiritual attack against our families and property (what we own) but also a physical attack against our homes and land in particular. Many states are implementing new laws for eminent domain to allow them to “legally” take land for the government....
Week 25 – (2023) Reclaiming America
In May, the Biden Administration pushed for all 194 participant countries in the United Nations to turn over sovereignty to the World Health Organization in issues regarding health. It was to “protect” the globe in case of another pandemic. (We warned about that three...
Week 24 – (2023) Our Response to Trump’s Indictment
I had already written another prayer for this week when the announcement of Trump’s indictment went public. Whether we like Trump or not isn’t the issue right now. It’s about our justice system. We are watching a complete travesty of justice combined with interference...
Week 23 – (2023) Protect Your City from Pride Part 2
Two weeks ago I shared part 1 regarding the transgender strategy that has been implemented to destroy male/female, remove the ability to reproduce children naturally and to create a society of “androgyne” (now referred to as non-binary) which are people who identify...
Week 22 – (2023) Pray for the Heroes & Forgotten Ones
It is important that we take time to pray for the heroes...and often forgotten ones who have served in our military to protect our nation and our freedoms. This has never been more true than today. Those who served in Viet Nam who weren't allowed to win that war and...
Week 21 – (2023) June is Pride Month – And this is their strategy Part 1
There is so much to share regarding this issue that I will share part 1 this week and part 2 the next. It is imperative that we recognize that the transgenderism movement is a strategy to destroy male/female, the ability to normally reproduce children and create a...
Week 20 – (2023) Biden Gate is Exploding
The most ignored news story last week was the most important and where we need to focus our prayers. It is BidenGate. If you missed it (and many did because it was buried) the Oversight Committee Chair, Rep James Comer (R-KY) along with Jim Jordan (R-OH) led a...
Week 19 – (2023) 3 Weeks to Global Government Takeover
A year ago I (and many others) raised a call for prayer and action against the Biden Administration’s plan to turn America’s sovereignty over to the U.N. Last April, Biden and his handlers began a campaign to pressure the other 194 countries, who are part of the U.N.,...
Week 18 – (2023) Breaking the Power of the Occult
There has always been a hunger for the supernatural because within every person is a desire to know the Creator. However, the counterfeit to knowing Him has never been more blatant than it is today. My husband, Kevin was in Wal-mart recently. Below is a picture of...
Week 17 – (2023) We will not be Ostriches
Father, we bring our governors, congressmen, and our city county mayors before You today, based on 1 Timothy 2:1-2, which says we must pray for all those in authority that we may live a peaceable and quiet life, in all godliness and holiness. We pray first and...
Week 16 – (2023) 2 Kinds of Violence
There are two kinds of violence. The violence of the wicked which is increasing and the “violence” which is the strength of the Church. As violence continues to erupt against those who stand for truth, rather than step back in fear, we need to remember we have...
Week 15 – (2023) Deliverance!
This past week I meditated what Jesus endured during His last week leading up to the crucifixion. What transpired those three days where His body was dead, but He was in battle? Gloating by those who felt they had triumphed, but shock, sorrow and despair from those...
Week 14 – (2023) Facing the Red Sea
Consider where we are on the calendar and on God’s timetable—Passion week. The week from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Day. It would have been the most challenging week in Jesus’ life. While fully God, he was also fully man. He would have battled emotions knowing what...