Week 12 – (2024)  The Legalization of Lawlessness

Week 12 – (2024) The Legalization of Lawlessness

The quick downhill slide of our nation began in ernest, in my opinion, when lawlessness became regularly legalized. We saw a shift a few years ago with insane laws being enacted that actually invited theft and destruction with little to no penalty. Consider: In some...
Week 11 – (2024)  What is the State of our Nation?

Week 11 – (2024) What is the State of our Nation?

The State of the Union address this past week was an indictment against Biden and those intent on destroying our nation. What we watched was the gaslighting of a America with comments such as: · “Our economy is the envy of the world.” · “I’ve cut the federal...
Week 10 – (2024)  Has Their Downfall Begun?

Week 10 – (2024) Has Their Downfall Begun?

What are we seeing? I’m reminded of the days of Esther when Haman certainly looked like he had the upper hand. He was the king’s right-hand man, and had suckered the king into writing an edict to give him permission to slaughter his enemies—the Jews. He was...
Week 9 – (2024)  Are We to Pray for Peace?

Week 9 – (2024) Are We to Pray for Peace?

Ecc 3:8 says “There is a time for war and a time for peace.” While many want to pray for peace amidst the division in our land, we need to be spiritually discerning. We must be like the sons of Issachar and recognize the season we are in. We are in a time of war. We...
Week 8 – (2024)  It’s Not a Matter of If…but When

Week 8 – (2024) It’s Not a Matter of If…but When

Ohio Sheriff Richard Jones held a press conference earlier this month and shared a chilling report from a briefing with FBI Director Ray and several federal agencies. Ray warned that there were more red flags (warnings of threats against America) now than before 9/11....
Week 7 – (2024)  This is the real threat

Week 7 – (2024) This is the real threat

The real threat in America, in my opinion, isn’t the very real invasion taking place via the open borders, the theft of America’s prosperity as corrupt politicians continue to vote to send more of our dollars to protect Ukraine’s borders rather than our own, or the...