Knowing how to pray is challenging isn’t it? Just this week I heard completely conflicting reports on both House Speaker Mike Johnson and Rep Marjorie Taylor-Greene.

Reports meant to enrage us against Johnson–and if true–well we have reason to be enraged. But then another report, from Pastor Jack Hibbs this weekend, that allows us to see that perhaps they are intentionally trying to get us enraged at him to set him up to be removed.

Rep Marjorie Taylor-Greene has been a lightning rod. She is often in the news because she is unafraid to say things. Some believe her to simply be divisive and attempting to grab the spotlight. But perhaps is she simply being used in this season of exposure in which God is using her to expose what is done in the darkness in a way that is shocking and yes can be divisive. But remember division isn’t always bad. Click here to see how with one sentence she silenced Congress. Also notice how many abstained from voting–another area of exposure.

The call to unify isn’t always the answer. We don’t unify with darkness. We don’t unify with compromise or sin. Sometimes unity can’t happen because we stand with Truth.

I was meeting with some prayer warriors this past week and in two different meetings heard a similar strategy introduced that I will share with you because I believe we are receiving revelation on how to pray for this point in history when things are murky. Here are two strategies I believe we need to employ:

We pray they reap their harvest

  1. The Bible tells us that we shouldn’t be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. So that’s what we pray. That leaders, judges, the media will begin to reap what they have sown. Then God is the judge because He knows the truth. If they have sown lies, corruption and deception may they receive the harvest of those seeds. If they have sown seeds to reveal truth, and working to protect our nation, despite what we hear, may they receive their harvest.

We send the demonic host back to their realm–the second heaven. (Eph 2:1-2)

  1. Earth was given to Adam and Eve who subsequently gave their authority to Satan. BUT when Christ died on the Cross, he defeated Satan and returned authority to us. So why is Satan still roaming around like a roaring lion? Let’s send him back to his realm and get him out of ours.

So that’s what I’ve pondered on all week. Take it if it bears witness with you and leave it if it doesn’t. But, what we do know is we need to pray with wisdom and discernment, not prayers in which we dictate to God what He is to do. And since in some areas its really hard to know, we need to continue to pray scripture and pray that what THEY have sown they will reap.

Father, we thank you that You know the truth of each person’s actions, words and deeds. Where we have grown weary listening to those we thought were “good godly” leaders only to find out later they were not and were working behind the scenes to cause destruction and lying to us openly.

Father we pray for wisdom and discernment as Solomon did. Give us understanding minds so that we may discern between good and evil. We pray that over our leaders, pastors, justices, etc for understanding minds to govern and lead Your people. May they be truthful and possess integrity, and for those who do not, may it be revealed so all will see.

Where we have prayed, unknowingly against someone doing Your work, we repent. Where we have supported, unknowingly, someone who said they were working for good, but have actually been doing hidden things of darkness, we also repent. We pray in both cases for elected officials, leaders, justices, law enforcement, the media, etc. that they will reap the harvest of the seeds they have sown. You know if that is for good or for evil. May their harvest come and come quickly so that ALL can see and know beyond a shadow of a doubt those who are called by Your name, working for righteousness and those who are not. And then may we vote accordingly, and my those who are in positions of authority be removed so that true justice is restored.

Father where laws have been weaponized against the righteous, where lies have been told from the media and the White House, may the harvest of their deeds come quickly and may the fear of God come upon them so that they can repent before it is too late for You desire that all men come to know you. May our prayers agree with Your heart and may Your glory be revealed.

Gal 6:7, I Kings 3:9