Week 52 – (2023)  Merry Christmas – Our Gift to You

Week 52 – (2023) Merry Christmas – Our Gift to You

Do you remember the song, “My Grown-Up Christmas List”? The chorus states, “No more lives torn apart. And wars would never start. And time would heal all hearts. And everyone would have a friend. And right would always win. And love would never end. This is my...
Week 50 – (2023)  Shifting Seasons—Honoring Seniors

Week 50 – (2023) Shifting Seasons—Honoring Seniors

For years in America there has been a worship of youth and a growing disdain for elders. But we are in the middle of a shift taking place in which honor is being restored to the aged.   What happens in the natural is an indicator of what is taking place in the...
Week 49 – (2023)  Shakedown of the American Taxpayer

Week 49 – (2023) Shakedown of the American Taxpayer

I read two articles this recently which prompted this week’s prayer. It is the ongoing mismanagement and outright theft that is depleting our funds personally and from our nation. It is the shakedown of the American taxpayer.   The first article, from Judicial Watch,...
Week 48 – (2023)  Urgent Prayer over Our Schools & Children

Week 48 – (2023) Urgent Prayer over Our Schools & Children

Most children spend at least 35 hours a week with teachers and classmates—their prime awake hours each day. During that time they are receiving instruction from someone other than their parents. But what instruction are they receiving?   The one benefit of the COVID...
Week 47 – (2023)  We Give Thanks

Week 47 – (2023) We Give Thanks

It seems appropriate this week that we focus our prayers as offerings of thanksgiving first to God and then for those around us. This week let’s be intentional to offer thanks for our family, friends, our home, food, etc. And to pray for those who are in need of any...