We are in a season of exposure. What has been done in darkness is coming to the light. We are also finally seeing pushback as people and leaders take courage and begin to say, “NO!” and take action.


It was exposed that the initial Jan 6 Select Committee, formed by Nancy Pelosi and led by Democrats along with RINO Liz Cheney, deleted over 100 documents just days before they were to hand over the files to Republicans. To their horror, those deleted files have been recovered and the passwords for the encrypted files now requested. We will see if they comply regarding their coverup.


A couple of weeks ago information leaked regarding the bi-partisan legislation to “overhaul the immigration system” led by Republican Senator James Lankford and Democrat Chuck Schumer. While we applaud bi-partisan legislation, negotiations at that time were decidedly Democrat. It still allowed up to 5K illegals across the border each day, fast-tracked work visas for them and included additional money to Ukraine. Lankford denied it, but repeated calls to his office for specifics were met with silence. In a pro-active move, the OK GOP State Committee voted to censure Lankford contingent on final wording, if he again betrays conservatives by siding with legislation to allow the border to remain open.

But then…the OK GOP Chair, Senator Nathan Dahm, tried to shut down the censure against Lankford by instructing members not to attend the meeting. When the legitimate meeting took place and the censure made public, Dahm sent a press release to the media to call it “illegitimate.” This was an outright lie to the media and the public. This isn’t the first time OK GOP chairs have intervened to stop a censure against Lankford. It should be noted Lankford has been a huge donor to OK GOP for many years.


The Arizona GOP Chair (president) tried to bribe Kari Lake to “pause” her senate race campaign as she is a courageous voice for fair elections and exposure of election fraud. The Michigan Republican Party is currently facing similar division in their GOP–my guess is it is happening in your state as well as this seems to be the new strategy to divide and conquer.


These are a bad idea at every level and yet the government continues to try to force the American people to comply by saying they will shut down gas-powered vehicles by 2035. Thankfully some of the auto industry professionals are now pushing back. They know this has nothing to do with “going green.” At the root its about controlling where we can go and how far we can go—which with an EV isn’t very far.

While we are thankful for these exposures, they can also leave us rocking and with questions about those who we thought were “good guys” but actions reveal something else. This is where we pray.

 Father we thank You that You said there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. We thank you that exposures are beginning and will continue to reveal deals made in secret, but denied in the light. We pray for our elected officials who have compromised integrity for position and power, who have changed their glory for that which does not profit.

We pray for wisdom, discernment and repentance whether from a pure heart or fear of judgment that is surely coming. We declare the division and chaos they have tried to create to subvert our elections, will fail and that the chaos will boomerang back on them. May their own wickedness correct them and their backsliding/apostasies reprove them. We pray protection over our Constitution and for it to be upheld in courts of law. Where activist and corrupt judges and attorneys general have ignored and abused our laws, brought judgments against the innocent and let criminals walk free, we plead our case with You. We bring to you these matters of justice. Why has the wicked prospered and those who deal treacherously at ease? Drag them off and set them apart for the day of carnage according to Your Word.

We pray that any and all files that have been withheld or hidden that would exonerate people who have been falsely imprisoned regarding J6, regarding Donald Trump, or any other lawsuit now underway, be recovered and brought to light. We declare the boomerang of justice turn back on those who lied and brought accusations against innocent people for crimes they committed. We declare restoration of justice along with the fear of God especially on those who have brazenly and regularly lied.

We pray for the federal Supreme Court, especially Justice Roberts, who has compromised his integrity and sided against the laws of our land. We pray that the fear of God would come upon him, and them all, before it is too late. We pray for judges and justices that they will be renewed in the spirit of their mind which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. That the judgments they make will be according to the Constitution and laws of our land not on their own prejudices.

Father You see the Executive Orders and legislation passed with hidden sections to intentionally control and harm the American people and remove our freedoms. You see the titles they have been given to sound good, but the contents contrary to the name. They have betrayed us, lied to us and committed treason against our land. We pray that all the Executive Orders that have put us in danger will be repealed along with the lying legislation that harms instead of helps. May those who wrote them be held accountable for their actions and replaced with those who will govern FOR America and not to destroy her.

Most importantly we declare a restoration of morality and righteousness. We pray not just for reformation but revival so that America will be saved.


Luke 8:17, Jer 2:11, Jer 12:1-3, Eph 4:23