We are living Matthew 24. Catastrophic weather patterns, wars and rumors of wars, but the end is not yet come. Everything around us is in upheaval and it’s hard to know what to do as there are so many areas that need to be “fixed.” But while the world is in chaos, for those whose trust is in God, we should not be. However, make no mistake, 2024 is a war. Here are important issues where we must be alert and pray.

The Election

The Iowa Caucus this past week revealed we still have voter integrity issues. There may have been the now familiar rolling back of votes as the night went on. (I haven’t been able to confirm that yet.) Certainly we saw Trump Derangement Syndrome is alive and well as the mainstream media went berserk. Despite these issues:

1. We must continue to vote even if we don’t trust the machines. Otherwise we are simply handing it over. Don’t give up.

2. To not vote because you don’t like either candidate is again giving up and refusing to be part of the solution. There are certainly times I’ve had to vote for the “lesser of two evils.” If you still think Trump is the problem. Ask the Holy Spirit to tell you His thoughts on the situation. I did that in 2016 and was shocked by His answer. Bottom line is if we remove ourselves from the voting process we play right into the hands of those working to destroy our Republic.

I’ve said it before, but will say it again, we MUST be a discerning people and let go of our offense at someone. There are no perfect candidates. No perfect pastors. No perfect anything. Thankfully God uses imperfect people. Let’s look at what we do know. There is only one candidate they (Democrats and Republicans alike) are trying to destroy—Donald Trump. Ask yourself why. There is only one Republican candidate the Left loves—Nikki Haley. Ask yourself why. These are Nikki Haley’s own words of her duplicit lies and promotion of Democrat ideals. Click here—https://bit.ly/NHaleyLies

We also have an trend of non-citizens running for top officers which is illegal. Obama. Kamala. And now it appears Nikki Haley is perhaps not a citizen—If true, she cannot legally hold the office of president. But they’ve gotten away with it twice already—and Americans have allowed it. Deeper investigations need to be done.


While many are waking up to the fact that we have been lied to, there are still many who put their head in the sand, refuse to get involved, and think somehow this will all go away. It won’t without prayer and action. Our pastors and churches MUST become the mouthpieces of truth and speak out about what the media tries to hide. Pastors in days of old were referred to as the “black robed regiment.” They were considered instrumental in turning the Revolutionary War. Today many remain silent and don’t want to get involved—making them irrelevant. When people search for answers, they won’t be searching in those churches. Pray that our churches will be beacons of light in these dark days and in these confusing issues.

Father, we pray for our churches and pastors who are faithfully meeting, but remain silent on the urgency of what is taking place in the world. We pray that the Church will be relevant in this hour as a place that people can come for help and answers in our cities and neighbors for those who are hurting, confused and scared. May we be that light shining in a dark place that our light is not hidden. Give pastors and believers courage to speak out, be informed and stand fast. We pray they would be our modern day “black robed regiment.”

We pray for an infusion of courage into people. That they will not allow fear to be their guide. We declare, Do not fear but be strong and courageous. Do not fear, for God is with us! He will strengthen us, help us and uphold us with his righteous right hand! We declare that all who rage against us will surely be ashamed and disgraced. And those who oppose us will be as nothing and perish. Though we search for our enemies, we will not find them. Those who wage war against us will be as nothing at all. For the Lord our God takes hold of our right hand and says to us, “Do not fear. I will help you.”

So we pray and declare that over our nation as we approach the primaries and another presidential election. We will look for those who rage against us and won’t even be able to find them. You have not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. We will not “lose our minds” to fear, offense, or rage.

Lord, bring to an end the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure and probe minds and hearts to reveal and expose what is there.


Matt 5:14, Joshua 1:9, Is 41:10-13, I Tim 1:7, Ps 7:9,