If you are one who has embraced the lie that communism is good and democracy bad, you haven’t lived in the former. I have.

Sadly, America’s educational systems, overtaken by communist professors, have spent years brainwashing our young people to believe socialism and communism are for “equality” and good of everyone. All they do is make everyone equally poor except the leaders controlling it. Like many “progressive” ideas, they make it sound good, because who would embrace it if they were honest about it? So when students are told “This hasn’t worked anywhere else, but it will this time because we are going to do it differently,” in naivety, they believe it.

It’s laughable. All anyone needs do is look at history to know what a lie that statement is. Let’s look at what are considered the top 5 communist countries: China, North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam and Laos. Are people clamoring to get into those countries? Yeah there’s a reason why not.

Having lived in China in the 90’s as we worked as English teachers, I can tell you from first-hand experience, it was run on fear and control. People who spied and reported on their neighbors were rewarded. Those who didn’t toe the Party line were punished.

Communism steals hope. In one class discussion, I asked my students, “What would you do if you had a million dollars.” Their answers were revealing. “I will never have a million dollars, so why think about it.” “That would be impossible.” “I would have to give it to the government. So why dream?”

Communism/Socialism, takes from those who work hard to give to those who don’t. Everyone is “equal” which isn’t equality at all. Those who don’t show up for work, get paid the same as those who work double shifts. There is no incentive to work hard to get ahead. As a result, people stop dreaming and stop trying. Communism is a failed political and economic ideology. So why do they push for it? Because it creates a dictatorship/tyrannical system enabling leaders to completely control the people.

And it is being force fed to us by the U.N. and those running our shadow government intent on changing our Constitution and stealing our freedom. In 1963, a U.S. Congressman read a list of 45 Steps by Communists to Destroy America. Now 60 years later, look how they have almost completely reached their goals. Click here to read the list.


You said when the Enemy comes in, like a flood You will raise up a standard against him. We know our battle isn’t against flesh and blood but against the rulers, authorities, and the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places. The Spirit clearly says that in later times many will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. What is coming across the media and Biden administration is deception and demonic plans/executive orders to destroy our nation. We bind the deception which has 

invaded our schools, our media and taken over many government positions spreading their lies. We declare that the lying lips will be silent which speak arrogantly against the righteous with pride and contempt. Father hide us in Your secret shelter from the “strife of tongues” (translated = contentions, divisions and lawsuits.) Turn your ear to us and come quickly to our rescue. Keep us free from the trap that is set for America for you are our refuge.

We pray for the minds of the American people to awaken and come out of deception so that they will know the truth and the truth will set them free. We pray for discernment to replace the deception that has caused eyes to be blind to the destruction happening in our nation. For those who remain unconcerned about the invasion of illegals, open their eyes to the danger of ongoing open borders.

We pray regarding the legislators who act as though they are trying to close the border, but who attempt to pass legislation that actually makes it worse! May their duplicity be completely revealed. For those who now believe America is “awful” open their eyes to the truth of our history and the amazing miracle of this country—and your blessing upon it. We know that America is not perfect and there have certainly been areas where we have done wrong. And yet, we thank You Lord for forgiveness and this nation.

We declare the ongoing attempt to take over this nation and turn it over to the United Nations will not succeed. We pray where previous presidents have given away our ports, our national parks, and allowed our land to be sold to foreign actors, for a miracle of reversal of those illegal actions done without the approval of the people or Congress.

Lift up the light of Your countenance upon us, O Lord and restore the gladness You have put in our hearts and our nation to turn back to You.


Is 59:19, I Tim 4:1, Eph 6:12, Ps 31:2 & John 8:32, Ps 4:6