One thing I noticed about this past year, that will continue into 2024 for many, was the growing amount of offense–everywhere.


Some of it was understandable, other times not. But the point is how it is increasing and weaponized to keep us out of blessing. Offense is a blessing blocker. a


Just this past month I watched an increase of people offended when someone pulled out in front of them in traffic, or drove too slow/too fast. Offended by employers who didn’t give a bonus or a traditional ham. Offended that parents didn’t let them believe in Santa Claus, while others felt they were lied to because parents told there was a Santa Claus. Offended by failures of the church–which is at an all-time high. The list goes on and on. Even if we are “justified” in the offense, it will still block the blessing.


Every single day we have the opportunity to take offense. Emphasis on “take” offense. It is our choice. To either meditate on something that happened and let it take root, or to refuse it and forgive.


When we allow it to take root in our hearts–sometimes when we take on an offense for how someone else was treated–we simultaneously open the door for deception and rage. And it only gets worse from there.


As we enter 2024, let us uproot any offense that has lodged in our hearts and minds. Also I encourage you to pray over your families, friends and co-workers to so that offense can be uprooted in them and for healing in relationships. May we determine to live in 2024 with blessings unblocked.


(NOTE: If you clicked the link at the beginning and read the insights we shared about the importance of having firm footing, walking in faith and immovable, you understand we can only do that after we have removed offense.)


Father God, we pray You would show us how to walk free from offense. You are our example. You have watched the people You created scorn You, blaspheme You and ignore You. Forgive us where we have not acknowledged You as Lord and King in our lives. We repent and as we enter 2024 we pray that the words of our mouth and the meditation of our heart be acceptable in Your sight O Lord, our strength and our Redeemer.


We also ask Holy Spirit that You would reveal any place where we have allowed offense to take root in our hearts that has become a wedge and blessing blocker. (Take a few minutes to pray and spend time with the Holy Spirit to deal with any areas He shows you to remove them and forgive. If He prompts you to call someone or go talk with them, please do not hesitate to do so.)


Father help us to walk in forgiveness where we have been wronged, betrayed, wounded, overlooked, unjustly accused, fired, cheated, talked about, or have allowed anger and unforgiveness to cloud our hearts against others. I declare that all of it be removed now in my heart, in my family, in my co-workers (name someone specific the Holy Spirit brings to mind) and declare that offense can have no more authority to rule or disturb relationships here. I declare that as much as depends on me, I will walk in peace with others.


As we enter 2024, we declare it will be a year of blessing because we have uprooted offense and unforgiveness and any blessing blocker. We declare that we are blessed coming in and going out. We are the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath. Our enemies may come at us one way, but they must flee before us seven!


Even in times of famine we will not whither and in times of disaster we will have more than enough. For You said You would feed us with the finest of the wheat and with honey from the rock You would satisfy us.


You will give us rains in our season and the land (our businesses and work) will yield its produce and the trees of the field will bear their fruit. We will eat our food to the full and live securely in our land. You will grant us peace in our land so that we can lie down with no one making us tremble.


That You will be with us and keep us wherever we go and restore to us what has been taken doing all You have promised. For You are a faithful God and we honor You.


Ps 19:14, Deut 28:6-10, Ps 37:19, Ps 81:16, Lev 26:4-6, Rom 12:18, Gen 28:15