The government shutdown has once again been averted—at least temporarily—until Nov 17. This stop gap agreement excluded any new aid for Ukraine—which was one of the key contested issues.


Six months ago, with the same threat looming, “temporary funding” was approved to keep the govt going. At that time there should have been ongoing discussion to prevent what is happening now. Did legislators not realize temporary meant temporary? That it would resurface in the near future? Now once again we have a temporary fix. Meanwhile, our government continues to spend, print money and tax us out of oblivion for ridiculous things—but the Ukraine situation is at the top of the list for most. Something must change. And be prepared when it finally does, it will be painful, but God is our source!


The “far-right holdouts,” as the media refers to them, wanted to stop the unchecked, ongoing money flow to Ukraine. My question is why aren’t all of our legislators concerned about that? How can we keep borrowing money to give away to a black hole? Where is it really going? There is NO oversight. Biden says it is to protect Ukraine’s borders and sovereignty while our borders and sovereignty are completely neglected and given to others. It doesn’t make sense. There has to be a day of reckoning.


Contrary to how the media makes it sound, a shutdown only affects the parts of government that are considered “discretionary”—about 27%. That which is considered mandatory, at least from previous shutdowns, includes: border protection, in-hospital medical care, air traffic control/TSA agents, law enforcement, and power grid maintenance which are considered “essential.” Meaning they will have to work, but may not get paid. It also includes some legislative and judicial staff along with Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. The 2 million U.S. military personnel would remain at their posts, but roughly half of the Pentagon’s 800,000 civilian employees would be furloughed.


Thanks to Biden’s “Inflation Reduction Act” (which actually increased inflation) the 83,000 IRS employees are exempted from furlough. Personally I’m wondering why they are so mandatory? (No offense if you are an IRS employee reading this.) What would it also not affect? The investigation into Trump. That is considered “criminal” and therefore “essential.”


Federal agencies are required to classify their employees as either “essential” or “non-essential.” Employees classified as “essential” continue to work during a shutdown but without pay. Employees classified as “non-essential” are laid off without pay—such as a cafeteria worker. A government shutdown is painful for innocent workers caught in the crossfire.


What this highlights is how enormous our government has become and how many workers it has hired. As many as 300,000—800,000 employees might be furloughed. But are those jobs and departments all really needed? And remember that is just 27% of the government.


This should be a time that we look at the budget and tighten things up. But that’s not typically what has happened. Saturday, Speaker McCarthy (R-CA) pushed through this measure as a temporary solution just minutes before a shut down would have occurred. The Senate had little choice but to approve it—but to the dismay of many Democrats who wanted to continue to fund Ukraine.


The deal McCarthy made with Democrats approx. 6 months ago, when we faced a similar shutdown, cut the legs out from under Republicans trying to keep Biden’s administration’s from the constant overspending. McCarthy bragged it was a great deal. It wasn’t. For now, at least, another temporary deal has been reached. Let’s pray that our Congress doesn’t wait to figure out what to do before the next deadline next month.


Father we thank You that You are in control and that at least for now this funding crisis in our government has been averted. But we know Lord that it is temporary. That the overspending that has taken place for years, has caught up to us—and yet there are many still unwilling to stop.


We know You care about America and every single person and entity that would be affected by a shutdown. We pray that this close call, where many would have lost their paychecks, would be the opportunity for them to turn to You. As these tumultuous and uncertain times continue to increase, may it cause every person in our nation—and around the world—to turn their eyes back to You.


Father God, we have often seen leaders play political chess that affects the lives of others, but in which they themselves go untouched. We are warned with these shutdowns that veteran’s might not get their checks or that medical care might not be available as an excuse to continue the out-of-control spending. But we must fina a solution. 


Lord You see the crisis looming with two trillion dollars of debt now hanging over us. With our cities overflowing with “homeless” illegals who have been allowed entry and bussed or flown across our nation into every single state. It is breaking the backs and budgets of state governments and businesses and yet continues.


We pray for our state governors, sheriffs and leaders to stand up against the federal tyranny and overspending that continues—but which our states are paying the price. We pray for governors to have the backbone to close their borders, to say “no” to the flow of immigrants being dropped off and to demand this insanity be stopped.


Father we pray for our legislators who are truly trying to figure out a solution and who want to do the right thing. Give them wisdom and courage. Guide them to a solution as we brace for impact. We know there are many seeking You and You said when we seek You we will find You when we search for You with all our heart. May they find You and find Your solution before Nov. 17.


Father we pray for America’s economy and this mounting debt. You see the numerous Executive Orders and money given without congressional oversight. You see even when put before Congress, those who have voted to continue funding things that should not receive funds. You see the compromise and the challenging decisions. We pray for our legislators Lord. We pray that those working to do right, will be rewarded and those working to deceive, steal and hide their actions would be exposed and removed. We pray that this administration, which has been the least transparent of any in our history (to our knowledge), would face a day of reckoning and their actions exposed, the money flow stopped and their power removed. Deliver us from Pharaoh.


As the Feast of Tabernacles is celebrated this week, it reminds us that what you did then for the Israelites, to deliver them out of Egypt and from Pharaoh, that you can do again. We have grown weary of their whips, lies and forcing us to labor as they spend. Lord we ask that you would deliver us now as then and cover Pharaoh and his army with the Red (your blood) Sea.


Phil 4:19, Jer 29:13, James 1:5, Ex 14:5-29