Lord, we pray for the justices and courts across our land and especially lift up to you our Supreme Courts in each state and federally. We pray over these justices that their hearts would align with your heart and that they would judge righteously according to your Word.

Lord you said, “Woe to those who enact evil statutes and to those who constantly record unjust decisions. Who deprive the needy of justice and rob the poor of their rights. (Is 10:1). Lord that is happening in our land as activist judges make their own laws and do not follow our Constitution, but enact unrighteous decrees.

Father God, YOU are our judge and our lawgiver. You are our king and You will save us (Is 33:22). We ask that any unrighteous judge who pridefully exalts their plan and will against You and against our nation would be exposed and removed from their position. We pray for godly men and women in these positions who will serve the people and judge out of truth and righteousness.

A wise man scales the city of the mighty and brings down the stronghold in which they trust (Prov 21:22). Lord, in prayer we scale the city of the unrighteous judges and bring down the strongholds that have been erected to allow them to circumvent the Constitution and the laws which they are to follow.

You said even the unrighteous judge gave the widow woman justice because she relentlessly went before him to demand back what had been taken from her. How much more will You, our righteous judge, restore what has been stolen from us, from our nation, from taxpayers, from our freedoms. Lord we contend for res-toration, righteousness and justice (Luke 18:6).

We pray for all judges but especially our federal judges who are offered some protections by the U.S. Mar-shal’s Service, but who are being attacked, threatened and some killed for conservative rulings that align with Your Word. Lord we pray for their protection for them and their families. We pray that they will have the courage to stand up for righteousness and truth and that they will not be able to be blackmailed or threat-ened into reversing their decisions or changing their minds.

Lord we present our case before you and bring forward our strong arguments for You are a righteous Judge. Judge between them and us and remove unrighteous judges from our land (Is:41:21).

You said that You would faithfully bring forth justice and that You would establish justice in the earth. We wait expectantly for Your law and purposes to be performed and honored in America (Is 42:4).