Prayer Guides
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Weekly Prayers
Week 41 – The Media Giants Will Fall
Right now one of the biggest obstacles to seeing truth and justice restored to America is the media. They are the giants in the land. The question is are we going to be like the ten spies and cower at their stature? Or are we going to be the Joshua and Calebs and go...
Week 40 – Repentance or Removal
This is city-by-city’s 40th week in which we have stood and prayed together for our cities and our nation. This number is significant as it is linked to biblical events of purification and cleansing. I believe God will do it again. In light of that I wanted to share...
Week 39 – Accuracy in the Arizona Audit
The election audit of 2.1 million ballots which started last week in Arizona was shut down as of Friday as Democrats desperately attempt to stop the audit. No surprise, right? They KNOW the result will be the proof that Biden DIDN'T win Arizona---nor any of the other...
Week 38 – We Call Out the Thievery!
I had the opportunity this week to attend the REOPEN AMERICA: Health and Freedom Conference in Tulsa. The speakers were Conservative doctors, attorneys, and regular people like you and me, who are taking action against the corruption in our nation. Most of us want...
Week 37 – Shout! For I Have Given You the City
As I was praying about this week’s prayer focus, I was drawn to the story of Joshua and the walls of Jericho. There were some interesting highlights from the Holy Spirit as I read: And the armed men went before the priests who blew the trumpets, and the rear guard...
Week 36 – Resurrection is Here
There are many who have grown weary in this season as we continue to pray, but outwardly it appears things continue to get worse. It is much like the day the apostles lived. Can you imagine their horror, grief, and confusion as they watched Jesus die on the Cross?...
Week 35 – Pray for Prosperity of Your City
The Lord has been speaking to me the last two weeks about blessing. We are to bless. We are to bless those who curse us and revile us. We are to bless our children and our home. We are to bless to bless our city and we are to be a blessing. So how does that work? ...
Week 34 – Courage for State Sovereignty
This past week, 21 states filed lawsuits against Biden (more accurately his handlers) for their overreach and abuse of power specifically in cancelling the already funded and approved Keystone Pipeline. Of the move, Donald Trump Jr. explained, “It is worth noting it...
Week 33 – The Fear of the Lord
This past week Rep. Greg Steube (R-FL) debated the (In)Equality Act on the House Floor. (The act has passed in the House and is still in debate in the Senate.) After he referenced the Bible as part of his foundation for concern, Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) rebuked his...
Week 32 – Precincts & Presidents
First, city and county precinct meetings are happening nationwide. Most of us have never gotten involved at this level, but it is imperative we begin to. When we attend our Party precinct meeting we then have the opportunity to vote at the county meeting and the state...
Week 31 – Calling It What It Is
The Lord reminded me this week the importance of aligning our words with what HE says and refusing the language of those working to derail America from a godly foundation. It is so easy to find ourselves using their language when they intentionally shift words to...
Week 30 – How to Pray for Evil Leaders
This week's prayer is by my friend Jamie Rohrbaugh. She said it so well, I wanted to share with you. It’s a little longer than normal but I felt it was very insightful and helpful, especially as we struggle to walk in obedience to God’s word to honor and pray for...
Week 29 – Woe to the Wicked
This past week we saw Biden renew America’s relationship with Iran and Hamas reverting back to the Obama/Biden administrations cozy relationship with both. The problem? Shortly afterward, Iran announced they are close to having a nuclear bomb. Boy that makes me feel...
Week 28 – Courage vs Cowardice
Last week the Lord spoke to me about the difference between courage and cowardice. What we need now, more than ever before is courage. But what we have seen more often than not in our governmental leaders, judges, pastors, and sometimes ourselves, has been cowardice....
Week 27 – An Invitation to the Faith-Filled
Time and again God used those who were able to trust and have faith beyond what they could see and in what seemed impossible. He chose those that were willing see with spiritual eyes and trust beyond what they saw in the natural. As a result they saw giants fall,...
Week 26 – A House Divided
Dear City Intercessor, We are commanded to pray for our leaders, even ungodly ones who put themselves into positions of authority. Here is how we can pray: Lord we lift up our nation and we proclaim that You are Lord. Father, you said if we would humble ourselves and...