Prayer Guides



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Weekly Prayers

Week 57 – Eyes Wide Open

Week 57 – Eyes Wide Open

It’s impossible not to address the situation in Afghanistan this week, nor some of the troubling issues it signals for America. This week’s preliminary information is long, and not meant to cause anyone to be fearful. Instead it is a word of warning to open our eyes...

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Week 56 – Proclaiming Goliath’s Defeat

Week 56 – Proclaiming Goliath’s Defeat

Kim Potter’s granddaughter made the most amazing comment this past week. The two weren’t even talking, when her granddaughter lifted her head from a coloring project and blurted out, “Nana, if you don’t want to keep being the target, then be the weapon.” She had no...

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Week 55 – He Will Protect

Week 55 – He Will Protect

It’s interesting and disturbing that a word search for “protection” pops up pictures of masks and condoms. That may be what the world sees as “protection.” However, as believers, our protection is in God and His Word.   I felt this week it was important to go back to...

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Week 54 – Stop the Supreme Court Coup

Week 54 – Stop the Supreme Court Coup

Thank you to all who prayed and fasted this past week! I heard from many of you regarding how impacting it was.   City-by-City intercessor, Patty V., received this word from the Lord during the fast, “My Word is the battering ram. Continue speaking My Word and ‘ram...

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Week 53 – Give Us Godly Leaders

Week 53 – Give Us Godly Leaders

This is a reminder of our corporate day of fasting and prayer tomorrow, Wednesday, August 4. We are continuing to pray ask God for godly leaders and also to target specific people in leadership and issues listed below in a STATE-by-STATE PRAYER ASSIGNMENT: Please pray...

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Week 52 – Tear Down the Lofty Places

Week 52 – Tear Down the Lofty Places

One of Dutch Sheet’s recent, “Give Him 15” messages spoke of the power of specific prayer and destroying strongholds. It caused me to dig deeper into 2 Cor 10:3-5 which says,   For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of...

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Week 51 – Keep Your Gifts

Week 51 – Keep Your Gifts

In biblical days, Daniel was confronted and tempted several times to take a bribe. He was also threatened to remain silent and bow to ungodliness. It is no different than what many of our governmental officials face today.   Those in leadership positions both city,...

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Week 50 – Lord, Raise Up for Yourself a President

Week 50 – Lord, Raise Up for Yourself a President

This is week 50 of City-by-City which represents Jubilee—a time in which there is a release of slavery and debt. I believe it is significant and proclaims where we are headed both as a nation and regarding our personal lives. I encourage you to take hold of it.   This...

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Week 49 – We Stand for America

Week 49 – We Stand for America

As we celebrate the 4th of July, we now find ourselves in the same position as our founding fathers when this nation was first established. They were fighting to remove the tyrannical foot of England off their necks as they labored to create a government in which the...

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Week 48 – God Desires Good Government

Week 48 – God Desires Good Government

First, thank you so much for your prayers for both Kim and I when we alerted you a few weeks ago about the attacks that we each had been facing. The immediate outpouring of prayer was both humbling and a relief as we both realized that we needed help—and you guys gave...

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Week 47 – Urgent: Pray for Israel

Week 47 – Urgent: Pray for Israel

This week is slightly different, but extremely important because we are told to not only pray for the peace and prosperity of our city, but also to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. As we do so, we are told that those who love her would be secure.   It is essential we...

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Week 46 – The Lord is Exposing

Week 46 – The Lord is Exposing

I believe this is a time in which the Lord is revealing the true thoughts and motives of people. It is important we pay attention and take heed.   Back in the day of Ezekiel, the Lord took him to the east gate of his city and showed him 25 men, including two leaders,...

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Week 45 – Prayer for Law Enforcement

Week 45 – Prayer for Law Enforcement

It continually amazes me as people call for defunding of our police and yet when they have an issue, they call the police. Cities that have removed the money for law enforcement from their budget are now putting it back in. Why? Because a land without police is a land...

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Week 44 – The Prophetic Division

Week 44 – The Prophetic Division

Before we get into this week’s prayer, I want to honor all the veterans who served in the military so that all Americans can have the freedoms we are now battling to retain. We also pray for the families of those whose loved ones gave their lives for this freedom. May...

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Week 43 – Racism Uprooted

Week 43 – Racism Uprooted

This coming weekend, Tulsa, OK becomes the epicenter of a spiritual clash of good vs evil. Revival vs. lawlessness. This isn’t just about my city. This will affect our nation.   May 31-June 1 marks the 100th anniversary of the worst race riot in America’s history...

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Week 42 – The Fire of the Lord Will Fall

Week 42 – The Fire of the Lord Will Fall

In biblical days, under the evil rule of Ahab and Jezebel (much like Biden and Harris,) the land was under a curse of drought and famine. Recognize then as now, that there are repercussions for evil and America will face them because of what transpired this last week,...

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