Prayer Guides
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Weekly Prayers
Week 73 – Like Mary
The past couple of weeks, I have pondered Mary’s words recorded in Luke 1:46-47, “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed. We...
Week 72 – Don’t Lay Down Your Sword
Kim and I have been processing a word the last several days which she received from the Lord recently. We have both continued to pray into it and felt it was a word that we should share with you. As we come to a close for 2021, as usual, there are many prophetic...
Week 71 – Binding Leviathan
I’m sure you have sensed, as I have, an increase in disruptions in communication across our nation, perhaps in your personal life as well. This is on top of the tsunami of strife, division and lies promoted as truth. What am I referring to regarding these disruptions?...
Week 70 – Fight for Life
On Wednesday, Dec. 1, the Supreme Court will hear Dobbs vs Jackson which is perhaps the strongest chance since 1992 to overturn the horrendous Roe v Wade decision legalizing abortion. It is estimated that over 62.5 MILLION babies have been murdered since abortion...
Week 69 – Release the Political Prisoners
Last week I had the opportunity to interview lawyer and former professor David Clements who was fired for his conservative beliefs. He has been working with Mike Lindell and General Flynn to restore election integrity, but he has also been working to see the political...
Week 68 – May the Fear of the Lord Fill our Land
This week’s prayer is from City-by-City cofounder, Kim Potter, with a timely and important word. The Bible teaches us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. It is no mystery that our nation’s leaders and our city and state leaders need wisdom today...
Week 67 – The Great Fall
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. As I was praying this week over what we should target in prayer, the Holy Spirit brought the classic nursery rhyme to mind. All the kings horses and all the kings men, couldn’t put Humpty together again. ...
Week 66 – The Foundations are Shaking
Everywhere we turn we see shaking. The Bible warned us in advance these days would come. So don’t turn a deaf ear to these gracious words. If those who ignored earthly warnings didn’t get away with it, what will happen to us if we turn our backs on heavenly warnings?...
Week 65 – America’s Educational System Must be Transformed
In a recent hearing conducted by the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, Senator Mike Braun (R-IN), asked Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, “Do you think the parents should be in charge of their child’s education as the primary stakeholder?”...
Week 64 – Reclaim October in Your City
The primary goal of city-by-city is to reclaim our cities for Christ. And while sometimes we go after things per our state or nation, it is our cities this week where we focus our prayers. The beginning of this week’s post is by Joyce Swingle from Intercessors for...
Week 63 – Targeting the True Terrorists
This past week U.S. Attorney General, Merrick Garland and the National School Board Association (NSBA) declared war against a parent’s ability to speak up for their children referring to them as “domestic terrorists.” As we have learned from the past, the very thing...
Week 62 – Standing Against Lawlessness
Leaders promoting lawlessness are becoming more brazen and open with their intent to protect criminals and persecute law-abiding citizens. They have declared “Open Season” against us and so our prayers this week are regarding their intent to do away with justice and...
Week 61 – Separating Sheep & Goats
What appears to be a delay of justice is the ongoing separation of the sheep and the goats. God is giving everyone the opportunity to choose and no one can remain neutral. Greed, lust of the flesh, lust for power, fear of man, pride and deception have caused many to...
Week 60 – Armor Up!
This week’s focus is on you. It is imperative that we remain armored up. Intercessors are on the frontline of battle and as a result, under spiritual attack. I don’t know anyone right now who isn’t experiencing this. I want to encourage you not to grow weary....
Week 59 – Supernatural Courage
The question I get most frequently is, “What can we do?” Other than pray, which we are all doing, it is hard to say. But what I can tell you is that in the last two weeks I have shown up at two meetings. One, was a city councilor’s meetings to protest their attempt to...
Week 58 – Rescue
We have watched in horror as Afghanistan closed with American citizens, allies, innocents and even military service dogs trapped behind enemy lines. Each day carries more heartbreak as we learn the truth of what was done. A word the Lord spoke to me is that we are...