Prayer Guides



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Weekly Prayers

Week 6 – (2025)  Compassion vs America First?

Week 6 – (2025) Compassion vs America First?

Under the Biden administration, an app was created in which illegals could insert their name and then “legally” enter our country. There were no other requirements. No vetting. No follow-up. That app was shut off Day One of the Trump administration and the liberal...

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Week 5 – (2025)  America’s Political Prisoners

Week 5 – (2025) America’s Political Prisoners

Political prisoners are things we expect from Communist regimes such as Russia, Iran or other governments. But when the American govt, under Joe Biden, arrested and then kept American citizens in jail, it opened our eyes to the injustice, and corruption in our own...

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Week 4 – (2025)  Reversing Destruction

Week 4 – (2025) Reversing Destruction

The massive L.A. fires are still not completely under control. Reports as of this writing, show the Palisades Fire: the largest, has destroyed more than 23,000 acres and currently only about 14% contained--despite the efforts of thousands of firefighters. The Eaton...

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Week 3 – (2025)  The Transfer

Week 3 – (2025) The Transfer

As you know hundreds of thousands of people have travelled to Washington, D.C. to be part of the inauguration and transition of power which takes place on Jan. 20. President-elect Trump called a pre-inauguration rally on Jan 19 at a location that holds 20,000 inside...

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Week 2 – (2025)  Sheesh! What’s Next?

Week 2 – (2025) Sheesh! What’s Next?

Medals are typically given in recognition of heroic actions and service. They are to bestow honor. But in typical fashion, days before he will leave office, Biden has forever cemented his administrations honor and commitment to evil. Last week, Biden gave America’s...

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Week 1 – (2025)  The Next 2 Weeks

Week 1 – (2025) The Next 2 Weeks

The next two weeks are critical... Since New Year’s Eve, two terrorism attacks have been unleashed in our nation:  Bourbon Street in Louisiana where a radicalized Muslim slammed their car into a crowd of people and then opened fire.

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Week 52 – (2024)  Our Silent Night

Week 52 – (2024) Our Silent Night

Merry Christmas. I want to share a special Christmas story and a gift with you as we pray this week. Right after Kevin and I married, we moved to China. We served there seven years as English teachers, but our primary desire to be there was to share Christ. Our first...

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Week 51 – (2024)  Restoration of Justice

Week 51 – (2024) Restoration of Justice

This past week former marine, Daniel Penny, was acquitted of wrong doing in the manslaughter charges brought against him when he stepped into a precarious situation on a NY subway to protect passengers from a violent man. Penny constrained the man, who died from...

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Week 50 – (2024)  Warning! Guard Your Heart

Week 50 – (2024) Warning! Guard Your Heart

It is critical that we heed the warning of Prov 4:23 which instructs us to “guard our heart with all diligence for out of it flow the issues of life.” Another version says, “for it will determine the course of your life.” Most recognize what has been transpiring in...

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Week 48 – (2024)  In Everything Give Thanks

Week 48 – (2024) In Everything Give Thanks

This week, for those of us in America, it is Thanksgiving. There is much for which we can be thankful for as a nation—in my opinion—with the results of the election. But what about you personally? Are you thankful? Or have you faced challenges that have made it hard...

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Week 47 – (2024)  We are Contending for Destiny

Week 47 – (2024) We are Contending for Destiny

We are in a time in which we are to contend for the promise and prophetic destiny. What does that mean? Contending is prayer and action. While it includes intercession—it goes further. It is when we know we are to press in and with the resilience to continue until we...

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Week 46 – (2024)  Keep Speaking & Praying

Week 46 – (2024) Keep Speaking & Praying

America is divided—-the world is divided. And it shouldn’t surprise us. Jesus said, “I have come to set the world on fire, and I wish it were already burning! ...Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I have come to divide people against each other!...

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