Week 36 – (2024)  Witchcraft in Politics

Week 36 – (2024) Witchcraft in Politics

URGENT—I’m sending this a day early so those who see it can join in prayer for protection against a witchcraft assignment against President Trump taking place Sept. 1 @ 10:10 p.m. est. Read on… This is the first of probably 3 prayers I will share via...
Week 35 – (2024)  Who are the Good Guys?

Week 35 – (2024) Who are the Good Guys?

Who are the good leaders? Who are the bad? It used to be pretty easy to discern, or so we thought, but not so anymore. I was talking to a neighbor this past week and he commented, “I think for most people voting will be easy. They are fed up with what is happening in...
Week 33 – (2024)  The White House Coup

Week 33 – (2024) The White House Coup

“A woman once asked Dr. Benjamin Franklin, “Well Doctor what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?” “A republic replied the doctor, if you can keep it.”  That’s the million dollar question. Can we keep it? We certainly can’t if things don’t change. There are several...
Week 32 – (2024)  Avoid Deception by Consecration

Week 32 – (2024) Avoid Deception by Consecration

There has never been a time in which there has been so much confusion and misinformation floating around. Matt 24:24 warns that if possible “even the elect” can be deceived. That would be us. I was in a meeting a few years ago in which a woman said, “I can never be...
Week 31 – (2024)  What’s Coming Next?

Week 31 – (2024) What’s Coming Next?

We’ve been in the lull before the storm. That place of eerie quiet where we know something is about to hit—we just don’t know exactly when, but we know it’s close. Brace for impact. Those were the words my friend, Kim Potter, and I received not once but twice. The...