Week 37 – (2024)  Pray for Your City Now!

Week 37 – (2024) Pray for Your City Now!

Last week a Venezuelan gang, “Tren de Aragua“, violently invaded apartment complexes in Aurora, Colorado with guns and assault rifles. The governor of Colorado initially denied the report, until oops, a citizen provided video proof! Then last week similar gangs began...
Week 36 – (2024)  Witchcraft in Politics

Week 36 – (2024) Witchcraft in Politics

URGENT—I’m sending this a day early so those who see it can join in prayer for protection against a witchcraft assignment against President Trump taking place Sept. 1 @ 10:10 p.m. est. Read on… This is the first of probably 3 prayers I will share via...
Week 35 – (2024)  Who are the Good Guys?

Week 35 – (2024) Who are the Good Guys?

Who are the good leaders? Who are the bad? It used to be pretty easy to discern, or so we thought, but not so anymore. I was talking to a neighbor this past week and he commented, “I think for most people voting will be easy. They are fed up with what is happening in...
Week 33 – (2024)  The White House Coup

Week 33 – (2024) The White House Coup

“A woman once asked Dr. Benjamin Franklin, “Well Doctor what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?” “A republic replied the doctor, if you can keep it.”  That’s the million dollar question. Can we keep it? We certainly can’t if things don’t change. There are several...
Week 32 – (2024)  Avoid Deception by Consecration

Week 32 – (2024) Avoid Deception by Consecration

There has never been a time in which there has been so much confusion and misinformation floating around. Matt 24:24 warns that if possible “even the elect” can be deceived. That would be us. I was in a meeting a few years ago in which a woman said, “I can never be...