by Karen Hardin | May 10, 2022
By now we have all heard of the leaked document this past week of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s opinion to overturn Roe v Wade. This unprecedented intentional leak was to create chaos and pressure conservative justices to change their decision. Four other...
by Karen Hardin | May 3, 2022
Are you wondering what to do to see transformation in your city? How do we take back our city, state and nation? If we are to take back our nation, it must start at the local level taking back our school boards, city councils and city governments. The next steps are...
by Karen Hardin | Apr 26, 2022
I have MUCH to share about what happened in Tulsa during the Mario Murillo/Flashpoint event this past week from behind the scenes as well as what God spoke to me about stewarding what it launched. It is a word to each of us in our individual cities and states. Watch...
by Karen Hardin | Apr 20, 2022
This is an important week from a historical perspective as we watch God’s timeline of events both past and present. In the days of Moses it was the week in which the Israelites, freed from the slavery of Egypt, found themselves trapped with the Red Sea in front of...
by Karen Hardin | Apr 13, 2022
It would be easy to be discouraged if we allowed ourselves to be swept by the emotions of what we see. Instead I say, take courage because we are in a season of deliverance. This past week we saw the appointment of an activist, liberal judge whose record has...
by Karen Hardin | Apr 4, 2022
What stops revival? What can derail us from our own personal destiny? John Bevere referred to it as “The Bait of Satan.” I refer to it in my book, “Infected” as stage two of a seven-stage spiritual pandemic sweeping our nation that ends in insanity. It is offense. ...