by Karen Hardin | Aug 1, 2022
One of our city-by-city intercessors contacted me this week to say she had been praying at her local police precinct and wanted to know if others in her area wanted to join her. It’s a great suggestion. We all remember when BLM emerged inciting violence against...
by Karen Hardin | Jul 25, 2022
In the days of the evil reign of King Ahab and Jezebel, their sins, worship of Baal and corruption had become a stench. We are told “He did more to make the Lord God of Israel furious than all the kings of Israel who came before him” (I Kings 16:33). As a result...
by Karen Hardin | Jul 18, 2022
Why do people fight for evil? More often than not, it is not because THEY are evil, but they are deceived. In that deception, they become convinced that they are fighting for a good cause. The problem is there is a veil over their eyes. They only see part. Wherever...
by Karen Hardin | Jul 12, 2022
There are so many areas in need of prayer right now that it’s hard to focus on just one area. However, as I prayed I felt to focus on the growing projection of food shortages and famine this week. We have seen the mysterious fires targeting food production plants. The...
by Karen Hardin | Jul 4, 2022
False allegations have been a key weapon of the enemy which we need to dismantle in prayer. Consider how this weapon has been repeatedly used to accuse President Trump regarding Ukraine, January 6. etc. Against the Supreme Court regarding the reversal of Roe v Wade....
by Karen Hardin | Jun 28, 2022
Even as we rejoice over the reversal of Roe v Wade, we must recognize the battle regarding this issue has only just begun as demonic rage is unleashed. This is a fight for children and families and the battle raging in the spirit realm is overflowing into the natural....