Week 10 – (2023) How to Pray for Those Who Attack You

Week 10 – (2023) How to Pray for Those Who Attack You

This past week I spoke at a public City Council meeting to share concerns about a resolution positioned as making the city “safe, welcoming and inclusive,” but which would elevate one class over all others.   We were told it was about “kindness” and that the wording...
Week 8 – (2023) Tracking the Unvaccinated

Week 8 – (2023) Tracking the Unvaccinated

If you have been to the doctor recently you most likely have been asked “Have you been vaccinated for COVID?” The govt is now using doctors to track who has and who hasn’t been vaccinated. I just had a medical procedure done and can affirm that this is happening....
Week 7 – (2023) Open Satanic Worship

Week 7 – (2023) Open Satanic Worship

I didn’t watch the Grammy’s last week, but we sure heard about them didn’t we? how perverse Hollywood—and those who saw what took place as “just entertainment” has become. Trans singer Sam Smith and male turned female “Kim” Petras sang “Unholy” surrounded by scantily...
Week 6 – (2023) Smart Cities Aren’t Smart

Week 6 – (2023) Smart Cities Aren’t Smart

Has the term “15-Minute Cities” or “Smart Cities” hit your radar? It needs to. This is part of the 2030 Agenda, the Great Reset, etc. which is currently underway. You might be surprised how far along YOUR city is in the reset/restructuring process. I have debated for...
Week 5 – (2023) The LAKE of Fire

Week 5 – (2023) The LAKE of Fire

Kari Lake isn’t going away. Since the election, she has become Katie Hobbs and the Democrats worst nightmare as she continues to fight the corruption and “irregularities” from the election for governor in Arizona. She “lost” by 17,000 votes and yet...