Week 16 – (2023) 2 Kinds of Violence

Week 16 – (2023) 2 Kinds of Violence

There are two kinds of violence. The violence of the wicked which is increasing and the “violence” which is the strength of the Church.   As violence continues to erupt against those who stand for truth, rather than step back in fear, we need to remember we have...
Week 15 – (2023) Deliverance!

Week 15 – (2023) Deliverance!

This past week I meditated what Jesus endured during His last week leading up to the crucifixion. What transpired those three days where His body was dead, but He was in battle? Gloating by those who felt they had triumphed, but shock, sorrow and despair from those...
Week 14 – (2023) Facing the Red Sea

Week 14 – (2023) Facing the Red Sea

Consider where we are on the calendar and on God’s timetable—Passion week. The week from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Day. It would have been the most challenging week in Jesus’ life. While fully God, he was also fully man. He would have battled emotions knowing what...
Week 13 – (2023) Stopping the Mental Health Crisis

Week 13 – (2023) Stopping the Mental Health Crisis

The mental health crisis that has been unleashed is the target of our prayers this week for our cities, our nation and the globe. The rise in mental health issues is directly connected to the intentional spread of fear, confusion regarding gender, identity and truth....
Week 12 – (2023) The Abortion Lie

Week 12 – (2023) The Abortion Lie

With the reversal of Roe v Wade 9 months ago, it’s easy to step back from intercession over this important issue. But trust me when I say those who advocate for the right to kill babies in the womb are enraged and have increased their efforts to make all abortions...
Week 11 – (2023) The Truth About Ukraine

Week 11 – (2023) The Truth About Ukraine

We just passed the one year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and America’s invention. That in itself is disturbing that it has continued for a year. So far the U.S. has sent approximately $54 billion to aid Ukraine. Not only have we sent huge amounts of...