Week 30 – (2024)  Hold On!

Week 30 – (2024) Hold On!

The Bible tells us that there will be a removal of those things which can be shaken, so that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. (Heb 12:27) Foundations are shaking. We must plant our feet firmly on the Rock so that we do not shake with it. But even as I...
Week 29 – (2024)  How are We Choosing the President?

Week 29 – (2024) How are We Choosing the President?

The assassination attempt against Donald Trump on Saturday came as no surprise to those of us who have been praying for him and watching the escalation of rage in the demonic realm. The “investigation” into what happened will probably drag on and on. What...
Week 28 – (2024)  Beware of Relational Deception

Week 28 – (2024) Beware of Relational Deception

Would any of us willingly enter into deception? Of course not! But we do when we ignore red flags in relationships with people whom we believe to be trustworthy. When we are convinced they are the people we believe them to be and thereby choose to ignore warning signs...
Week 27 – (2024)  Can America Remain Free?

Week 27 – (2024) Can America Remain Free?

There is more involved in this contest than is realized by everyone. There is involved in this struggle the question whether your children and my children shall enjoy the privileges we have enjoyed. —Abraham Lincoln (Speech to 164th Ohio Regiment, Aug 22, 1864)  Will...
Week 26 – (2024)  God Hates Pride

Week 26 – (2024) God Hates Pride

We are all fully aware that June is “pride” month. But what does that mean for us as Christians when the Bible says, “I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech” (Prov 8:13). Pride month is about what? Pride in the fact that people, created in the...