by Karen Hardin | Jan 2, 2023
What will 2023 look like? It’s a big question especially after 2020, 2021 & this past year. I feel like every year there are numerous prophetic voices who tell us the coming year will be one of “supernatural blessing.” “A time of breakthrough!” “Double for your...
by Karen Hardin | Dec 29, 2022
I have prayed for the last few weeks about what to share with you on this last week of 2022. I feel an urgency to impart peace and a reminder of your significance. If we don’t carry that within us how can we pass it on? You are a Presence carrier. The Holy Spirit...
by Karen Hardin | Dec 19, 2022
What is your Christmas Wish List? As an intercessor, mine is probably like most of yours. We desire to see an outpouring for revival to overtake our nation and the world. That lawlessness would be bound, justice would prevail and those who actually won their elections...
by Karen Hardin | Dec 12, 2022
I love December as we celebrate Christmas and the remembrance of Jesus’ birth. But no surprise the demonic try to hijack Christmas. From 2019-2021 the Satanic Temple in Illinois set up their version of the nativity with the demonic ‘Baby Baphomet’ at the Illinois...
by Karen Hardin | Dec 5, 2022
Just weeks before his assassination, President Abraham Lincoln delivered what has been referred to as his greatest speech. It was a mere 701 words spoken to unite a very divided nation after the Civil War. “With malice toward none, with charity for all, with...