Jonathan Cahn was at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, DC earlier this month. He gave an important word and then prayed. I want you to be able to hear that word and then we will join with him in the prayer he prayed over our nation this week. His message was “The sign of Jehu” regarding the window of grace we are now in. I’ve been to the National Prayer Breakfast and it is filled with leaders from around the world. Many are NOT Christians. It is also attended by many of our legislators and leaders from across our nation. For them to hear this bold message and prayer is really incredible. I hope you will click on the video to listen. The message and prayer combined are only around 10 minutes. A few of the points Cahn makes are:
The answer to their deliverance in the day of Jehu and ours is in this window of time for revival. If we change our government, but don’t change the people, the unchanged people will turn the government back. If we change the laws, but don’t change the people, the unchanged people will turn the laws back. We must repent and return to God. Only then will greatness follow. I’ve never done a post like this before, but I feel like Cahn’s prayer is spot on and we need to echo it through the week. So please click the video link here or click the picture below and then pray along with him. I have typed his prayer with a few tweaks below to make it our prayer and declaration. It starts around the 7:00 minute mark. |
PRAYER: We turn back to the God who made America great in the first place. We return to You God and greatness will fallow. Therefore we come before You this day with but one agenda. The mercy of God. And with but one means—the arm of the Almighty and the power of His Spirit. And with but one strategy—prayer, repentance and return. It is time to repent. We repent. It is time to pray for revival, work for revival, live in revival as we have never before done so. Bring revival Lord. For we have this chance and this window that we may never have again and we will not miss it but rise to it. Therefore we cry out this day to the God of our salvation and say, “Let revival fall upon this land. Let revival fall upon the heartland…upon the coastland. Let it fall upon the cities—upon our children. Let it fall upon the young and the old. Upon His people and upon His enemies alike. Let it fall upon this city—Washington, D.C. Upon this government. Upon this White House. Let it fall upon this president and let it fall upon us now! For thus says the Lord, “Let every crooked way become straight. Let every rough way become a plain and let every valley be lifted up. And every mountain be cast down. Let the glory of the Lord be revealed that this city on a hill called America might yet again shine with the light of the fire of the power of the glory of the Living God. In the name above every name. The name of Yeshua, Jesus the Messiah, the Light of the World the glory of Israel and the King above all kings. Amen! Matt 4:17, Ps 85:6, Is 45:1-3, Luke 3:5, Num 14:21 |