School is back in session! Each time you see a school bus, the flashing yellow lights of a school zone, etc., pray over the students, teachers and schools.

No matter the age of your child or grandchild, the need to remain vigilant in prayer is urgent—especially for kids in public school due to the craziness that has transpired in recent years.

We need to not only pray…but we need to bring heaven to earth. We do that not only by prayer but by what is in us.

Our inner world will affect our outer world. Meaning whatever we carry on the inside will manifest outwardly. That can be positive or negative. When we carry His Presence on the inside, remain aware of it and allow it to be on us, we can walk into a room and change the atmosphere! Subsequently, when we carry stress, anger, frustration or fear, when we walk into a room or are around people, we bring that into the atmosphere.

In the world they call it “energy” or “vibes,” but in reality it is a spiritual issue —and we can take authority over it for ourselves and for our kids.

What we carry, we can transfer to our children. If they get in the car with us and we are stressed, we can pass that on to them. However, if we are filled with the peace of God and trust in Him, we can relay that to them. If THEY are stressed at the end of a school day and bring that into the car—take authority over it. Begin to pray quietly to yourself and declare His peace to change the atmosphere. We can also do that as we walk our neighborhoods, around the perimeter of the school, in their classroom and in our homes. (Note: This all can also apply to your work atmosphere!)

Father, Thank You that just as we keep our hearts and our minds on You, that the Holy Spirit dwells in us. May we be mindful of that every day and be Presence Carriers to change the atmosphere everywhere we go. We pray over our children, our family, our home, our workplace, for the peace of God to be manifest. Where there is strife, rage, weariness, depression, tension or fear, I take authority over it, bind it and cast it out. I declare in its place the SHALOM peace of God. (Shalom in the Hebrew is powerful. By definition it means: safety, welfare, health, prosperity, and rest.)

I bind terrorism, shooting, bombing or harm to my child/grandchild’s school or any school! I declare that our schools are safe zones protected by the angelic host of heaven. I plead the blood of Jesus over every entryway and declare the school and our children off limits from any physical or demonic attack.

I speak the SHALOM peace of God over the school, the property, the teachers, students and everyone who steps foot on the property and declare peace, peace, peace! Where there is evil intent I command it to bow and declare it has no authority in (name the school). Where there is stress, anxiety, rage, drugs, etc. I take authority over the controlling spirit behind it, bind it and command it to go. In is place I release love, joy and peace in the Holy Ghost to permeate the building and the people in it.

We pray for each student for protection over their hearts, minds, and physical bodies. I pray over those who have been bullies, that they will be healed of where they were bullied. I pray for laborers to cross their paths and share the love of Christ. May they be changed and renewed in the spirit of their minds which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. I pray for the students who have attracted the bullies. I pray off that spirit of timidity and fear that has attracted the attacks and I declare that they will be transformed and courageous to learn how to stand fast. May they also come to know You. May kindness become a fruit of the spirit that is released from their heart and manifests from their actions.

Father, You said You would contend with those who contend with us, fight against those who fight against us and You would save our children. Save them from transgender confusion, revisionist history curriculums that plant anger against our country, and any brainwashing against You, our nation, or against their parents/family. We declare perversion and predators have no access in our schools or near our children.

We declare revival to be released in the schools. That the teachers, students, and staff would be filled with the Spirit of God and an outpouring of Your Spirit would be manifest. We declare the Bible will be taught accurately so that the students will understand its historical significance to the founding of our nation and that it is a good thing! Where they have been taught something else, we uproot the lies and declare the truth will replace it.

We declare that any teachers, professors, aids, principals, etc. that are employed in the school system with an agenda to shape the minds of the students for evil, that they would either be transformed by Your Spirit or removed immediately. We pray in teachers who will care about the students, do their jobs, and teach according to truth. I declare any other agenda null and void. Give teachers strength for each day and wisdom from above!                                       

I Cor 3:16, Is 26:3, Eph 4:23, 2 Tim 1:7, Is 49:25, Matt 16:19