Last week I shared several ways we need to pray to protect election integrity—particularly regarding the millions of illegals who have entered our country and may attempt to vote. If you didn’t see last week’s prayer click here. 

But there is also the issue of election interference. This is happening right before our eyes.

First via the court cases against Donald Trump strategically timed to interfere in the election. These cases are in violation of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. If you want to understand how and what is actually taking place there is no better explanation than from Mark Levin in his overview. Click here and share with others who don’t understand why these cases are in violation of our laws and justice.

Additionally, the Biden administration has created an election interference plan. According to a report from Blaze Media, months after taking office, Biden issued Executive Order 14019, alleging that minorities, particularly blacks, are disproportionately met today with “significant obstacles” to voting. One of the areas they claim is requiring an ID. Mind you people have to have an ID to drive, to buy liquor, to enter the military, but the claim is it discriminates against minorities to do so!

Biden then compelled federal agencies to “consider ways to expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process including felons.” To read the entire article click here.

 Then I learned that within our Republican Party they are working to pass a resolution, that WE can’t vote on, only 168 people would have the authority to vote and it would change our National Republican Rules to say a convicted felon can’t run for office. You can see that those introducing that resolution are working in lockstep with those working to block Donald Trump from being able to run. More election interference.

Why? Because without cheats in place, they know America is voting for Donald Trump. What other candidate in history has held rallies in which 80,000—100,000 people show up? How do we stop this interference? As we have already been doing—through prayer first—and then tell others!!

Father, we thank you that we can come into the courts of Heaven and address you as the Righteous Judge. We know that You detest dishonest scales, but accurate weights find favor with You. We pray for accurate weights/justice again within our judicial system. That they would not judge according to appearance or what they have perceived from their own prejudices and beliefs, but judge with righteous judgment.

Lord we know Your Word says even the unjust judge eventually gave the widow woman justice, how much more will You, our Father in Heaven, give justice to Donald Trump, the J6 political prisoners, Israel and those still held hostage, our nation? We call upon You to intervene on our behalf.

We declare the heart of the king is in Your hand and You can turn it whichever way You choose. So we pray for our Supreme Court on down that even if they have pre-determined to convict Donald Trump, that You give them a new heart and put a new spirit within them—including all who are intent on destroying our nation. We ask that You would remove their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh to know You and act with the fear of the Lord and with righteousness.

Where court decisions depend on a jury, we ask that You would intervene in those deliberations that they would be fair and untainted by bribes or prejudice. We pray that any who would attempt to bribe jury members, judges or special councils would be exposed. We declare jurists and judges would not accept bribes, which would blind them and twist the words of the innocent. If that has happened anywhere, may it be exposed and the individual removed. Where there are judges who should have recused themselves, but refused, who determined guilt before the case ever began, we pray that by their actions they will be removed not only from his case, but from his/her position which they are unfit to hold.

May those infected by Trump Derangement Syndrome be renewed in the spirit of their mind which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. We bind the spirit of pride, that has opened the door to offense, deception and rage, and declare that assignment over and that truth will prevail. In the place of pride and rage we loose the spirit of humility, understanding and peace. Pull back the veil of deception.

We declare over our judges, district attorneys, and attorneys general, who are in positions to make determinations as to guilt, that they would speak the truth; and judge with truth and judgment, so that there will be peace in our gates. We pray as the jury goes into deliberation this week, for a just outcome based on the evidence and that anything other than truth would not prevail.


Prov 11:1, John 7:24, Prov 21:1, Ez 36:26, Ex 23:8, Zech 8:16