The real threat in America, in my opinion, isn’t the very real invasion taking place via the open borders, the theft of America’s prosperity as corrupt politicians continue to vote to send more of our dollars to protect Ukraine’s borders rather than our own, or the revived fear-mongering of a virus to force us back into masks, sheltering at home and submission. Neither is the obvious lack of a real president and vice-president sitting in the White House.

The real threat is the veil of deception over minds and then the refusal to accept facts when evil is exposed—when it contradicts what we have believed.

Consider Adam and Eve. How could they have been so deceived? And yet right there in the Garden, where God walked and talked with them, the Serpent wiggled his way into their minds, planting seeds with partial truths to supplant Truth.

We are swimming in a world in which the same thing is happening. And it is admittedly hard to discern what is truth. It requires work and research. More than most have the time to do. Yet I have also come to recognize that many are unwilling to get out from under the veil of deception. When confronted with facts exposing leaders that we have trusted, many aren’t willing to believe that perhaps people we once trusted and thought we knew aren’t who we thought they were.

Consider George W. Bush. Hindsight reveals we were duped. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Are we going to allow ourselves to continue to be fooled?

Present day: This past week I was threatened within hours, by someone many in my area trust, after asking questions about someone on our county election board who was once under investigation for possible illegalities in an election. Even if cleared, that person doesn’t seem like a wise choice, if we want voters to feel elections are fair and transparent. Just days before I was threatened for asking a question, in another large city in my state, two election board members were removed from their positions after asking questions about absentee ballots that were opened and counted earlier than rules dictated. They are now under criminal investigation, not the issue that was raised.

What can we deduce from this? Asking questions is no longer our right. Our “house” is on fire!

Let me ask you, if you are walking down the road and see a house on fire, what would you do? Most of us would run to the house to see if anyone was inside or needed help. Perhaps some would stand at a safe distance and watch the house burn. Others might pick up the phone and call for someone else to come help. Which are you?

When I have shared disturbing information of corruption in America in an effort for people to know and take action, I’m always surprised by the responses I receive.

·       “Well I’m just called to pray…”

·       “I just don’t have peace sharing that information.”

·       “I’m just going to watch and see what happens.”

·       Or the worst which is a blank stare and no response at all.


A few years ago when Kevin and I were at a ranch to watch a fireworks display, the rancher announced to the group before the show, “People if one of the fireworks sets the grass on fire, your natural tendency is going to be to run away from the fire. I’m telling you, run TO the fire and help put it out.” Those words have always stuck with me and apply to our present day.

Are we going to be people who run TO the fire and help put it out? Save our nation? Protect our family and friends from attack who are on the front lines? Or are we going to watch the house burn?

After I received the threat this past week telling me to “cease and desist”, someone asked, “What are you going to do?” I pondered and prayed and said, “And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness, while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus” (Acts 4:29-30).

Get your fire hydrant people. We have work to do.

Father, we thank You that You are still God and You still sit on the throne. Even as we look into the face of this evil, our trust is in You that You will guide us, protect us and show us what to do. That You will instruct us in the way we should go. We are certainly surrounded by wolves and ask that you show us how to be wise as serpents yet harmless as doves.

We pray for those under the veil of deception who do not know, nor do they understand. You said You have smeared over their eyes so that they cannot see and their hearts so that they cannot comprehend. May that not be us, but if it has been, reveal it. We pray, that where we or others have erred in mind they will know the truth and where we or others have criticized and complained we will receive instruction. Where hearts have turned to stone, turn them back to hearts of flesh. If we have believed a lie, whether personally, in our homes, businesses, or as a nation, we ask that You would shine the light of Truth. As exposures continue, give us strength to not turn away, or dispel information that is painful to look at. Give us understanding to know the truth from a lie and courage to turn and go the other way if there are areas in which we have been wrong.

And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to Your servants to continue to speak Your word with all boldness, while You stretch out Your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of Your holy servant Jesus. Bring revival and reformation. We pray for the fear of the Lord to cover our nation. We declare America will be saved.

If you can help us in this fight, please let us know. We need more prayer support, more financial support and more who will volunteer and help. Click here to donate.


Ps 32:8, Matt 10:16, Is 44:18, Is 29:24, Ez 36:26, Acts 4:29-30