Just weeks before his assassination, President Abraham Lincoln delivered what has been referred to as his greatest speech. It was a mere 701 words spoken to unite a very divided nation after the Civil War.
“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”
I believe Lincoln’s words are prophetic to our day. America then had a choice to reunite after the divisive Civil War or to come apart. We are still in the middle of our civil war and unity seems elusive—except for revival. Except for God.
One difference we face today is the man sitting in the White House. Unlike Lincoln, they are not trying to unite our nation, but divide it and bring it under U.N. rule. What is standing in their way? I believe it is the Remnant.
Our nation is not dependent upon who sits in the White House. The president of our nation is not its savior. Trump wasn’t, Biden isn’t. It was founded on biblical principles recognizing God as our foundation and prayer as the necessary component of a people looking to Him.
As we pray this week, let us pray as Lincoln did in his day, to bind up our nation’s wounds and for America to turn back to God.
Father, we acknowledge that You are the Creator of the world, the Ruler of all and here in the beginning of our nation’s foundation. We recognize Your hand in our unique Constitution and birth. And now, as we stand on the brink of either destruction or rebirth, as Your Remnant we cry out to You for mercy and help. You said You would never leave us or forsake us.
You freed Your people from slavery in Egypt from an evil ruler who refused to let them go. We pray that You would do it again as evil leaders work to enslave the world to their ungodly global agenda. We cry out to You our Deliverer.
The love of money has caused many to have hearts that are cold. Selfishness and greed has opened the door to overwhelming corruption at every level. There are many profiting from abortion and selling of baby parts, sex trafficking, vaccines, drugs pouring in through our borders, leaders taking bribes using their positions to enrich themselves as they endanger our nation, and finally election gerrymandering to keep themselves in power.
Prior to this, we had no idea the depth of corruption now being revealed. It grows clearer and clearer with each passing day. Although its tentacles are deep and so far our efforts to uproot it seem to have failed, we know that it will be no man who delivers us but You alone. Lord deliver us from this evil. We did not vote this in, we are trying to remove it. But we need You and we know nothing is too difficult for You.
As it appears the next two years we may still be under this evil stronghold, Father we pray that You would use this to open the eyes of those who have been blinded to the truth and who have adamantly held to the falsehoods of the media and those determined to overthrow our nation. May the scales blinding the multitudes due to pride and deception fall off their eyes and as a nation we cry out to You.
As Abraham Lincoln prayed for wisdom and revelation to reunite America, as Your Remnant we also pray. We ask for wisdom knowing that You said You would give it for from Your mouth comes knowledge and understanding. We declare as Moses did to Pharaoh that the chains of slavery will be broken off and that not only will they let Your people go, but our nation will be freed from their tyranny as well.
Restore our nation and people to health and heal all our wounds. You stand at the door and knock. We pray ears are opened to hear that they will hear Your voice and open the door. We declare revival begins now and that You will come in to all who call to You.
Heb 13:5, Matt 6:13, Matt 24:12, Jer 32:27, Acts 9:18, James 1:5-6, Prov 2:6, Ex 9:1, Jer 30:17, Rev 3:20