This past week my husband and I were in a health food store looking for vitamins. Shortly after we entered so did a woman probably in her late 30’s or early 40’s. She stood out for many reasons.

She was tall, thin and had long white hair with some purple highlights. She was dressed all in black and wore dark black sunglasses—which she kept on the entire time in the store. She caught my attention, but what I learned quickly was I had hers.

She followed me around the store from one side to the other. It became really obvious when we went to the furthest attached room of the store. We were the only ones in it, but she wasn’t far behind. It was creepy and it was obvious…she was a witch and was following me. I walked quickly to the checkout and she almost ran to get in behind me. I stood there praying against any curses and for her…and I know she was doing her thing.

I knew who she was and she knew who I was—that was clear. I almost confronted her, but didn’t. I just continued to pray. We paid and walked out to Kevin’s truck. He had recognized she was a witch as well. It really wasn’t that hard if you looked.

It reminded me of a dream the Lord gave me a couple of years ago in which he told me to Pray for the witch.” There were a lot of things that I thought about doing in that dream—sending back the curse and speaking the Word, but praying for the witch wasn’t one of them. The encounter this past week reminded me of that dream. We need to pray for those caught up in witchcraft and the occult.

Have you been in the Walmart book section recently? Or any secular bookstore? It is filled with books on the occult not just for adults, but throughout the kid section. Add to that the fascination with crystals, horoscope, burning of sage to ward off evil, it’s become quite the modern day push on Tik Tok and many think there is no harm—but there is plenty as it opens a door to the spirit realm. So as we head toward Halloween and this month in which evil is celebrated, may we remember the power of prayer and to pray for those caught in its web.

Father, we pray for witches and warlocks and those caught up in fascination of the occult. Some have no idea the spiritual door they have opened into their lives and the demonic realm. Others, like the woman in the store, know very well what they were doing—but Lord You love them all the same. We pray for them now that their eyes would be opened and enlightened to know the hope of their calling. Where they are looking for identity, may they find their true identity in You. Lord heal the wounds of their heart, remove the fear and open their eyes to the evil which they are surrounding themselves with.

Where the fascination of crystals and the zodiac have opened these doors, as have popular book series glamorizing witchcraft, we ask You Lord to open the eyes of those who are immersing themselves into these practices and dark arts. We call them back out of darkness and into Your light. We pray for parents to wake up to these “innocent” devices and be the protector of their children.

We pray for the wounds of the hearts over those caught in the web of witchcraft to be healed and that they would find You in their longing for acceptance and power. We pray that as in the days of the book of Acts, that there will be an awakening in our nation and around the world that demonic forces do exist but bow to the power of the Name of Jesus and recognize those called by Your Name. May the revival for which we have prayed, including the renouncing of mystical arts and witchcraft, as people encounter You and the true source of power to fill their hungry souls.

We pray for protection over our neighborhoods and the children who will go trick-or-treating. Protect the children and open the eyes of their parents to understand the root of the holiday and what it celebrates. We declare the Name and the Blood of Jesus over our families, homes and cities from witchcraft and evil that may try to be unleashed during that time. We pray protection over animals and children from sacrifices and declare: Not on our watch! Not in our city!

May we be alert and steadfast in prayer, not in fear, but strong in the Power of His Name, as we declare greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.

We also continue to pray for the upcoming election and over Donald Trump. We pray for protection against curses, spells and any witchcraft that has been spoken out against him, the election and our nation. We declare America is returning to God!

Eph 1:18, 1 Peter 2:9, Acts 19:18-20, I Jn 4:4