What is taking place regarding the weather is unprecedented. Thank God Hurricane Milton downgraded from a Category 5 to 3 before hitting land. The power of prayer! But Hurricane Nadine is now forming in the south.

Even as we continue to receive reports that relief efforts in North Carolina are slow and have been hampered by FEMA and other govt entities. The media continues to report around 200+ total dead from Hurricane Helene. However, reports from workers onsite in North Carolina alone have have said it’s more likely closer to 2000 dead. We need to ask ourselves why does the media/govt continue to lie?

Glenn Beck and his team went and have confirmed these reports.

FEMA and the Red Cross took days to show up and some still preventing rescue efforts by the community as “unapproved.” Why would these entities delay life-saving help until they can “approve” someone? This is insanity. What it shows, however, is how the Church and Americans have risen up to help in this time of crisis.

Biden bragged that his administration was “way out in front of the storm” with supplies already sent prior to Helene. But then it was learned that those supplies only went to Florida while states in the primary path beyond Florida weren’t part of that preliminary govt prep.

It took Biden six days to show up—empty handed. But it forced rescue efforts to grind to a halt for 4 hours due to a No Fly Zone put in place for his arrival. Let’s not forget when it took 2-3 days for George W to show up in Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina. Obama roasted Bush and FEMA’s slow response. Yet those same people are silent in the face of the Biden/Harris lack of response to Hurricane Helene victims.

$24 billion has been sent to Ukraine in the last 4 years. In 2024 alone according to their website, FEMA allocated almost $641 million to illegals. Mayorkas now states FEMA doesn’t have the money to get through the hurricane season. But it gets worse. This past week, Kamala Harris proudly announced they were sending $157 million to Lebanon for relief efforts, but a paltry $750 to Hurricane Helene victims—if they qualify.

Our tax-payer dollars and resources have been freely doled out to people here illegally, while American citizens, now in distress in multiple states, are ignored.

One report mirrored others of the strange events of lack of govt help. “In an eerie echo of the Maui wildfires that ravaged Hawaii just months ago, locals are calling this event “Maui 2.0”—a nod to the overwhelming sense of abandonment they felt as they waited for a response from the federal government. Delays in disaster aid distribution, coupled with the lack of timely federal action, amplified their suffering.” What makes this scenario even more controversial is the fact that North Carolina, Tennessee, and South Carolina are all the center for lithium mining which is a vital resource needed for battery production, electric vehicles and green energy the government is controlling. Just coincidence?

What we know is that people are suffering and need help and hope. Elections in these areas is now at risk if not impossible. The government is not helping, but perhaps even subverting assistance.

Father, We pray now for all who have been impacted by these storms. Many are in desperate need of food and water and the basic resources to survive. We pray that the relief efforts by ministries and the community will be strengthened and not hindered. Lord you see and know what is going on behind the scenes. There is no logical reason that assistance and help should be refused—and yet we hear it is happening. There is no logical reason people should be left on a mountain, or the number of deaths under reported. You see all and You said their would be nothing hidden that would not be revealed. We pray that You would expose and reveal all that is taking place and bring comfort, peace and hope to the many in need of help and hope right now.

We pray hope for the hopeless. Strength for the weary. Rescue for those still in need and comfort for all who have lost someone they love or have someone still missing. We pray also for the rescue workers that You would replenish them and bless them as they volunteer their time. You see how the Biden/Harris administration and all controlling it have squandered taxpayer funds above the interests of American citizens. You see how they are destroying our nation. As we head toward this election, many may not even be able to vote, or focus on it as they are simply trying to put their lives back together. Father you said You are the God of all hope. We cry out to You.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts all in affliction, may those going to help carry that God-ordained comfort share it with the hurting. We pray that they could cast all their anxiety on You and know that You are there and that You care for them. May the lost find You in this time of crisis. And may those missing be found.

May they experience the peace that You have given to us by the Holy Spirit. Not as the world gives do you give to us. Let not their hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. Despite the circumstances we pray peace instead of fear and declare “Fear not!” 

2 Cor 1:3-5, I Peter 5:7, John 14:27, Is 41:10