Is judgment for America inevitable? God’s response to that question, is judgment inevitable, in the past for Ninevah, the Israelites, Sodom and Gomorrah was “Who knows? Perhaps…”

Ninevah averted judgment. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. The difference was the response of the people.

Could that be His response to us now? I believe the prayers of the Remnant can change the outcome for America. While we certainly deserve judgment, we continue to pray for MERCY and for America to repent. The Remnant leads that charge.

Recently Karen Wheaton (Christian singer and preacher) did an interview with Perry Stone that highlighted this important aspect about God and what could be next for America. I believe it will encourage your heart and the fact that the prayers of the intercessors can still change the outcome. Click here to listen.

God spared Nineveh. God was willing to spare Sodom and Gomorrah. The future of this nation will be determined by what God’s people do in response to this call.

The window is small. But is God giving us one more opportunity to avert judgment and see our nation repent and return? God’s people have a choice to respond.

We are in a Bonhoeffer moment. Will we recognize it? Will the Church and the pastors listen and avoid the mistake that German Christians and churches made? Will we wake up and repent? Will we see a reprieve? Remember one definition of reprieve is: “To delay punishment, to give relief or deliverance for a time and turn a curse into a blessing.”


May America heed your voice and turn to You now while there is still time. We turn our faces and our hearts to You with fasting and weeping. We proclaim and cry out to America, Return to the Lord for He is merciful and compassionate and eager to relent. Repent! Change course! Who knows but perhaps He will give us a reprieve and a blessing instead of a curse.

We pray as many struggle across our nation from the effects of Hurricane Helene, from the chaos of the economy and struggling to make ends meet, for the eruption of violence in some cities from the gangs, Lord may people recognize their need for You and dress themselves in humility as the entire population did in Nineveh long ago. May everyone pray earnestly to God and turn from their evil ways and stop the sin for who knows, perhaps, even yet You will relent, change Your mind, and hold back Your judgment.

We call for repentance. God will You change Your mind? Please forgive us.

May the pastors and the Christians not keep quiet, but stand up for who knows, but perhaps we were born for such a time as this. We are in that moment again to stand for righteousness. That we will awake to our destiny without fear for our lives, but fear God not man. Let us gather together and pray as many are already in 40 days of fasting and prayer leading to the election. Lord turn the plan of the enemy and fight for us. Turn their evil back on them. Lord may America have one more chance. We declare to America choose life! We declare choose freedom! We choose You to be our King O Lord and we choose a president who will recognize and honor You.

Lord, we are Your people, called by Your name. We humble ourselves and seek Your face. We turn from our wicked ways and ask that You would heal our land.

We pray for those who have allowed cowardice and division within the Church, the Party, and our nation. For those among Your people, in order to avoid controversy choose to remain silent, we say, “wake up and recognize that we were called for such a time as this!” May they hear the warning Esther did years ago, that if she did not act, deliverance would come from a different source, but she and her household would not partake of it. May that warning resonate in the hearts of Your people and this nation so that all who have remained silent would wake up and take action.

May our nation not be obliterated. May our history of a nation that was birthed because of a desire to follow and honor You, not be destroyed. May Your blessing not be removed, but may mercy prevail for repentance.

Lord You also see how they have attacked Israel, Your chosen people again this past week, and how America has betrayed them. Forgive us. We pray that those in the White House who have leaked the secret plans of Prime Minister Netanyahu that they would be exposed and removed. Forgive us Lord where these leaders have betrayed Israel’s confidence and exposed them to attack. We pray for one in the White House who will honor You and Your people. Who will align America again with Your plan.

We also pray especially for North Carolina and Georgia and all hit by Hurricane Helene. We hear reports that trucks with supplies, food and water are being sabotaged. A pilot helping evacuate people told to stop or be arrested. Lord what is happening?!! We pray for those in dire need of help that it will get through. We pray if there is intentional sabotage that it will be stopped and revealed. We pray on how this could affect the election that it would not! We pray for Your divine intervention!

Joel 2:12, Jonah 3:9-10