Autumn is my favorite time of year with the cooler temps, bright blue skies and the brilliance of the leaves as they change colors. And yet, the “celebration” of the demonic in Halloween has tried to overtake the beauty of this season. The barrage of television shows, movies and the previews in theaters, online articles, stores popping up all promoting witches, death and the occult all attempt to normalize witchcraft. This is going to be an ongoing area of prayer in October.

Note: If you missed Week 36, Witchcraft in Politics, click here to read and pray.

Two dates of which to make note are Sept 30 and Oct. 7. Sept 30 is a crescent moon. It is another scheduled witchcraft ritual to bind Donald Trump and the use of occultic power to advance the demonic agenda of socialism in our nation. Additionally, Oct 7 is the one year anniversary of the Palestinian invasion and massacre of Israeli’s as they slept that morning including children and babies. These are just two areas of which we need to be on the alert and pray. Israel needs our prayer. No one thought it possible that they could eliminate the threat from Iran and Hezbollah. Click here for an insightful report.

When praying concerning these demonic realms, do so with wisdom. It would be unwise to try to pull down a principality of the air or enter a realm where there isn’t authority. Be clothed in the armor of God. Use the tools in the Word. I’m starting this week’s prayer as I did Week 36, with the Word as we pray into these issues.

Father, We first come into Your gates with thanksgiving and into your courts with praise acknowledging that You are the mighty God! The Lord of lords and the great I AM! We join together corporately in prayer because You said where 2-3 gather together in Your name You are in our midst. We put on the whole armor of God so that we can take our stand against the devil’s schemes. You said whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven…even the demons understand this spiritual principle as we learn of their plan to bind and curse Donald Trump and anything that pertains to him and his re-election.

Lord, we take the authority You have given us, the keys of the Kingdom, and in Your Name we bind any and all witchcraft, spells, curses or demonic attack against Donald Trump, his family, his businesses, his campaign and re-election and our nation. We declare their efforts null and void and loose a spirit of confusion into their camp and communication. We declare their curses will not alight—they will not find any place on which to land or take hold. We loose protection and peace over Donald Trump’s mind, heart, finances, family and campaign. We send the curses back from where they came.

Father, we pray for a spirit of repentance to sweep through our cities and our nation. Awaken America to repentance so that people will turn from sinful ways. Where the demonic has been celebrated we pray for parents and all to wake up and recognize that the shows and books that promote witchcraft are not harmless but harmful. Father, we ask that you would expose areas and individuals in our city and nation that have been places of the occult and we pray for their removal. May their words, previously protected now fall to the ground and be ineffective. We pray for Your divine protection over our nation and upcoming elections and a protective shield over our families, our city, our schools, Donald Trump and J.D. Vance and their families, against the demonic realm and evil that has been unleashed and intent on their destruction. May what they have tried to unleash boomerang back on them. 

Father, we pray that You would uproot and cancel any and all assignments of witchcraft or dark powers that have been operating in our government, our nation, our elections, and in our city. We plead the Blood of Jesus over these areas and declare that through the mighty name of Jesus that they have no power or authority. We repent for the evil stronghold that has been given to Ba’al from the sacrifice of over 60 million babies through abortion. We know our nation deserves judgment but we pray for mercy. We pray that the spiritual strongholds of those actions that has brought America under a delusional belief of a mother’s right to kill her child would be broken. We bind the deception and pray the veil peeled back along with anything that continues to hold our nation captive to the deception and evil influence behind it. We declare the evil of child sacrifice in our nation to end and repentance to come.

Lord, we ask that the fire of Your Spirit would cleanse our city, our government, our nation from this evil and the demonic hold of the occult which has permeated the airwaves and Hollywood. We pray for an awakening so extensive that there would no longer be a demand for such fare because there is no longer any desire for it. We also pray for the salvation of those who are involved in witchcraft and dark magic, many who have believed the lie that it is good or their “family.” We pray that their eyes would be enlightened to know the hope of their calling in Christ. May they come to their senses and escape out of the snare of the devil that has held them captive to do his will and be delivered from the alliance they have made with darkness.

We also pray for ongoing protection over Israel and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. As the Israeli government continues to remove those who have called for the annihilation of Israel, we pray that America will not abandon them in this hour. Give them wisdom and open the eyes of the world to see the demons behind the murderous rage against them. As we approach the anniversary of the Oct 7 massacre, we pray protection over Israel and the Israeli people. We know You stand with them and so do we. Deliver them Lord.

Ps 100:4, Matt 18:20, I Jn 4:4, Matt 16:18, 2 Timothy 2:26, Ps 122:6,