URGENT—I’m sending this a day early so those who see it can join in prayer for protection against a witchcraft assignment against President Trump taking place Sept. 1 @ 10:10 p.m. est. Read on…

This is the first of probably 3 prayers I will share via City-by-City regarding the increase of witchcraft in numerous realms. As we head toward Halloween, what has been normalized is almost celebrated. We need to address it in prayer regarding its presence in politics, our schools and even the church.

Last week on my way to lead prayer, I noticed campaign signs of a man who had been in office for 13 years. He was running for re-election. He now had a very recognized name and kept getting voted back in. I knew from being in meetings with him that he was not who he claimed and not a good man. And yet for some reason in his district, conservatives (which he claimed to be) seemed enamored by him. It was weird.

“It’s witchcraft,” the Holy Spirit spoke to me. It startled me. I wasn’t expecting that! But as I pondered it, it made sense how the veil of deception around him covered who he really was. A day later, I received a text from a friend asking about a woman who had been verbally attacking and unleashing on people in meetings. “I’ve heard witchcraft is her hobby,” he stated. “What do you know about her?” Then the week before, my husband had noticed a young woman at the park with a book of “Spells” in her purse. It’s not hard to see that the Holy Spirit is highlighting this for our attention.

Over the next few weeks, as we head into October, I hope this issue will be on everyone’s radar to pray. Since the Lord first spoke to me about witchcraft in politics, that’s where I will start with this week’s prayer.

Did you know there is a 6200 member “Bind Trump” Facebook group that uses witchcraft to promote progressive politics and social change? According to an article from Intercessors for America, members conducted “magical bindings” during the last waning crescent moon of each moon cycle throughout Trump’s presidency in 2017-2021. The next scheduled “binding” is Sept. 1 @ 10:10 p.m. EST. If you opened this on Sunday, Sept 1, please stop and pray now. But, before you start be sure to put on the armor of God (Eph 6). Intercessors there is much work to do.

Father, We first come into Your gates with thanksgiving and into your courts with praise acknowledging that You are the mighty God! The Lord of lords and the great I AM! We join together corporately in prayer because You said where 2-3 gather together in Your name You are in our midst.

We put on the whole armor of God so that we can take our stand against the devil’s schemes. You said whatsoever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven…even the demons understand this spiritual principle as we learn of their plan to bind and curse Donald Trump and anything that pertains to him and his re-election. Lord, we take the authority You have given us, the keys of the Kingdom, and we bind any and all witchcraft, spells, curses or demonic attack against Donald Trump, his family, his businesses, his campaign and re-election. We declare their efforts null and void and loose a spirit of confusion into their camp and communication. We declare their curses will not alight—they will not find any place on which to land or take hold. We loose protection and peace over Donald Trump’s mind, heart, finances, family and campaign. We send the curses back from where they came.

We are learning of spells and curses being used not only against Donald Trump, but as a course of action in other elections across our nation. With run-off elections underway and as the presidential election nears, we recognize, even more, our need to pray. You said we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. And so it is to that realm that we speak Your Word and declare that greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world! May we not be ignorant of satan’s devices, nor be naïve as we pray. We enter with the blood of Jesus which is the victorious sacrifice over death and Hell. We come in the name of Jesus which is the name above all names at which demons must bow. We declare over the White House, our state capitols, our elections, our candidates and specifically Donald Trump, that every curse, spell or incantation spoken out to control and manipulate outcomes, legislation, actions, elections, we bind and send back from which they came. We declare their power and curses null and void. We plead the blood of Jesus over our cities and nation, over our elections, over political meetings and campaigns.

Where elected officials have maintained their positions through occultic power, we declare that power broken, the veil blinding people to the true deeds of darkness taking place to be removed and for light to shine and reveal what has been hidden that the witchcraft keeping some of these leaders in office and even alive be broken now. Where curses and spells have been unleashed against elected officials, campaigns, judges, or leaders who have courageously stood for righteousness, we bind those words, spells & curses and cast them down. We declare the blood of Jesus over all who have been targeted by that witchcraft and declare that they have no authority and to bow to the name of Jesus! We pray a hedge of protection over our elections, over Donald Trump and all running for righteousness, for our nation. Where curses have been unleashed, we bind them and loose a spirit of repentance that eyes will be opened. We draw a blood line in prayer at meetings so that witches will not be able to cross and enter.

Ps 100:4, Matt 18:20, I Jn 4:4, Matt 16:18, Prov 26:2, Eph 6:11-12, 2 Tim 3:9