Who are the good leaders? Who are the bad? It used to be pretty easy to discern, or so we thought, but not so anymore.

I was talking to a neighbor this past week and he commented, “I think for most people voting will be easy. They are fed up with what is happening in our country and the economy. They will just look for the “R” behind a name and check that box.” My response?

That would be dangerous.

One of the most common tactics of the Left in this cycle is that Democrats are running as Republicans. On top of that we already have plenty of Republican officials in office, whose voting record shows the “R” behind their names stands for RINO not Republican.

In a city near me, they have now removed the “R” and the “D” designating the party of each candidate and call it a non-partisan race. But that would be completely untrue. Elections are partisan. People almost always vote based on what they believe and where they stand politically. The truth is candidates with a “D” behind their name are having a tough time winning and so the strategy (which was passed in a resolution) was to remove the designation all together!


Christians still make up one of the largest voting blocks in America. The problem is at least half just don’t vote. In the 2nd largest city in Oklahoma, in the last four elections there was a 20%, 10%, 10% & 5% voter turnout respectively! As a result this “red” conservative city is now being led by very liberal elected officials! We must pray that this complacency ends and that Christians will not only vote, but do the needed research to vote with knowledge.

That means go find out who you need to vote for based on voting records or find a ministry, like our non-profit, AwakeOklahoma.com, where we do research and provide voter guides at least in Oklahoma. You can also check out MyFaithVotes.com. Don’t know where you are supposed to vote? Click here.

We have a responsibility to not just pray, but to act and vote.

To learn more read: “Why Progressives Have an Edge Over Conservatives, and How to Change It”—click here.

Father, we continue to pray regarding America and the upcoming elections. We desperately need Your help to protect our Republic and fair elections. We continue to pray for Mike Lindell, Tina Peters, Patrick Byrne, Dinesh D’souza and the many others who have worked diligently for the past four years to expose the many areas where election fraud continues to be possible and where it has already happened.

We pray for Americans—especially those who are called by Your Name—to wake up! We bind the spirit of complacency and laziness and loose in its place a sense of urgency to research, pray and vote to protect our nation. If our voting machines are connected to the internet in anyway, we declare that those connections would be broken and that the machines and data would not be able to be accessed. If any algorithms have been inserted into the machines that alter votes and who they should go to, that those algorithms would be exposed and malfunction. Where polling places were shut down creating long lines, or ballots unable to be inserted into the machines, we declare that any and all mechanical failures and/or intentional interventions of nefarious activity would be exposed and stopped.

Where voting was stopped in the middle of the night and ballots created/inserted into the system, we pray a hedge of protection over the integrity of every polling place that they will not be able to cover the windows, send election workers home who might report illegal activity, insert ballots multiple times, or destroy ballots.

Father, You see all that took place last time and the multiple judges who refused to look at the evidence and call for an investigation. We declare:

  • · Every judge that did not act with integrity to protect our elections in 2020 or this election be removed.
  • · May those who acted illegally to enact their own desire, be put in jail as they tried to do to others.
  • · Every governor who certified the previous election without investigating the anomalies or covering them up, be removed.
  • · Every polling place be protected from nefarious activity.
  • · We declare any attempt to disenfranchise voters by last minute closing/moving polling places, machine malfunctions, threats, spoiling/destroying ballots, or shutting down our elections be stopped.
  • · We declare that illegals will not be allowed to vote and those who have already been given cards to do so will not show up or not be allowed to. May this attempt to increase Democrat votes, backfire and boomerang back on those who instituted it. 
  • · Protection over Donald Trump and all of the presidential candidates and their families, that any attempt to assassinate them and cause chaos will be exposed and stopped.
  • · Christians will get out and vote and do so with knowledge. That they will vote according to biblical values and NOT out of emotion.
  • America, and fair elections, will be saved!