“A woman once asked Dr. Benjamin Franklin, “Well Doctor what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?” “A republic replied the doctor, if you can keep it.” 

That’s the million dollar question. Can we keep it? We certainly can’t if things don’t change. There are several areas for concern—and prayer right now. 

First, we just saw three unprecedented events occur in the last month:

1. The assassination attempt of Donald Trump which now certainly looks to be an inside job with the help of the FBI. Because let’s face it. The organization can’t be THAT inept as evidence now reveals.

2. The Olympic Committee’s approval of mockery of the Last Supper thumbing their noses at Christians and Catholics in the name of “inclusion,” which was certainly EXCLUDING those who hold to faith.

3. The exchange of Joe Biden with Kamala Harris as the Democrat presumptive presidential nominee which bypassed the American voter. They have illegally inserted a presidential candidate which violates our election process and our Constitution. The propaganda media has certainly been busy trying to recreate her and erase her background. But what really is a shock is what I see on social media with pictures of Kamala’s face and “I’m with her!” memes by people who don’t seem to understand THEY just lost our Republic—giving up their right to vote.

We’ve now experienced two coups in four years. Coup #1— the insertion of Joe Biden as the Commander in Thief invalidating the election of Donald Trump. Note: logic alone would tell you that the man who stayed in his basement during the 2020 campaign prior to the election DID NOT get 80 million+ votes, supposedly more than anyone in American history, when his rallies had less than 1000—sometimes less than 100 people—at any given location! Think about it.

Coup #2—they now say Biden’s cognitive disfunction necessitates he step down as the presidential nominee, but for some reason it’s still okay for him to finish out his term? Or that they are inserting Kamala Harris without a vote by the people? That’s not the way elections are run in our Republic—but as long as no one makes a fuss, they will continue. Remember Benjamin Franklin warned, we have a Republic—-if we can keep it.

Run-off elections are just weeks away in several states. Many say, “We are praying for so-and-so to win!” But when asked if they will donate an hour of their time or money to help the candidate with phone calls, stuff envelopes, or other things, they are suddenly too busy! How dare we say we are praying, but won’t lift a finger to assist. Faith without works is dead. We must pray off this apathy that has taken over the Church and our nation, or we won’t be able to keep this Republic.

We have three dates especially that we need to pray over:

  • · Aug 19-24—Democrat National Convention (Chicago)
  • Sept 18—the reattempt to sentence and throw Donald Trump in jail. The fact that the Supreme Court ruled that ex-presidents are entitled to “presumptive immunity” for all official acts they performed in office, and the Stormy Daniels case was already dismissed years ago, means this shouldn’t even be an issue. But it’s still on the calendar. Let’s pray it off.
  • · Nov 5—the Election

But remember, the greatest threat to their plans are the faithful prayers of the intercessors!

Father, we know that in our own ability we cannot stop these evil plans to destroy our Republic and our nation. We humble ourselves before You, and seek Your face. We declare America WILL turn from her wicked ways and ask You to heal our land. We pray regarding the ongoing attempts to remove Donald Trump. We declare that any attempts to assassinate him (or his family), or to bypass the Supreme Court ruling by wicked judges determined to throw him in jail, will not succeed. We declare the evil they have plotted and wicked schemes they have devised will not succeed, but the boomerang of their actions will turn back on them.

We declare that Donald Trump will have his second term and that nothing can stop Your plan and purpose for this nation. We declare that the attempt to illegally insert a candidate to replace Biden bypassing the American voter would not succeed. You see the ongoing attempt to remove the conservative Supreme Court Justices along with the determination to remove Donald Trump at all cost—even using our Secret Service, CIA and FBI. The wicked plot against the righteous in anger. But the Lord laughs at the wicked, for He knows their day is coming. The wicked draw the sword and bend the bow to bring down the poor and needy and to slay those whose ways are upright. But their swords will pierce their own hearts, and their bows will be broken.

We declare the strings of the puppets will burn. That the handlers will be completely exposed and justice would come forth. Intervene Lord so that the innocent can no longer be put in jail or the guilty allowed to go free. We declare, as in the days of David, that the evil plans and purposes that have been done in the darkness will be brought into the light. We declare the eyes that have been veiled and blinded would be opened so that the entire world can see the truth and Your glory.

We declare that the upcoming runoff elections and Nov 5 election, will not be tampered with, stolen, or cancelled, but those who try to cancel and silence our Republic and freedom would be the ones cancelled and we declare permanently removed from the scene. Lord heal the apostasy in our land and turn Your anger from us. May the rain of Your Spirit fall so that we will be washed clean of the corruption, filth, and perversity.

2 Chron 7:14, Ps 37:12-16, Hosea 14:4