There has never been a time in which there has been so much confusion and misinformation floating around. Matt 24:24 warns that if possible “even the elect” can be deceived. That would be us.

I was in a meeting a few years ago in which a woman said, “I can never be deceived. I was deceived once and I know what it looks like and so I can never be deceived now.”

Sadly, she was in deception by thinking it was impossible for her to be deceived. This week I listened to a podcast from an individual reporting on some things, that in his mind, happened at the Republican National Convention.—only they hadn’t. His report was all based on what he assumed some people thought and did and then he reported it as fact. He was deceived and spreading that deception—and some were listening.

Last month in a meeting, leaders spent an hour speaking out against an individual they didn’t like. They made all sorts of accusations to the group. The problem was their “facts” came from assumptions they made of what they perceived was in the mind of the person they were denigrating! Then they put their spin of offense on it and reported it as fact. Do you see the problem with these scenarios?

Although those giving these reports firmly believed they were giving facts, the problem was they were in offense, which created predetermined mindsets. This allowed them to make huge assumptions, which became their “facts,” which they then shared with others as if truth. Here’s a truth which we need to heed. Where there is pride, bitterness and jealousy, it allows just enough information in to create deception.

Additionally, when offense is present, it has a twin—deception.

So anywhere there is pride, offense, bitterness, or jealousy, there will be deception. This is a heart check moment for us all. If we want to stay out of deception, we must continually check our heart to be free of that which allows deception to take root. We must “guard our heart with all diligence.” (Prov 4:20) To avoid being pulled into this time of growing deception we must consecrate ourselves to the Lord on an ongoing basis with our heart, mind and physical actions.

I encourage you to do a heart check of your own motives and attitude now. It is as simple as saying, “God reveal to me if there is anywhere I am walking in deception or offense.” Then sit with the Holy Spirit for a few minutes and see what He brings to mind. Another way to stay out of deception is to pray for those who frustrate us or who we feel are in error. Who do you disagree with? Pray for them not against them. As we do, we create an environment to walk in love and freedom from deception. We aren’t responsible for how someone else acts, but we are responsible for how we act.

Here’s the deal. We are going to have plenty of opportunities for offense, disillusionment and frustration as we watch the ongoing exposure of people, leaders, and ministries who have refused to repent and consecrate themselves before the Lord. Many will be removed from their positions because consecration, and repentance isn’t taking place. We will see it in the church, the House of God, politics, and the world. We are to be His bride, spotless and white. This is the season which requires consecration.

Don’t let it shake you—don’t harden your heart to what is taking place. Instead, use it as a place to prepare yourself and to pray.

Father, I come before You and humble myself. If there is any place of deception or error in me I repent and ask that You reveal it to me now. For You have shown us what You require of us—to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly before You. That is my desire Lord. Help me to live my life accordingly. For as we humble ourselves before You, You said You will lift us up. May our light then shine before men that they will see our good works and glorify YOU!

Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. I make it my goal to please You. Show us, O Lord, how to walk just as You are–holy. You are looking for a bride that is spotless and white. Today I consecrate myself before You and pray that for our nation. We see those who seek to remove You, to legalize sin and normalize perversion. We pray for revival and heart change so that what will take place is a global hunger for righteousness and holiness. We declare that godly morality will return and depravity will be cast out.

Where the Olympics Committee flaunted perversion as “inclusion” Lord we pray for repentant hearts that we will fall on our faces before You so our nation—and the world—turn back to You. As deception tries to cover the earth, we pray that it is Your glory that will cover the earth. As darkness tries to creep in—we pray instead that Your light will shine, deception to be removed, and hunger for righteousness and truth would be poured out across our land. Come Lord Jesus.

I Peter 1:16, Micah 6:8, James 4:10, Matt 5:16, Ps 51:7, 2 Cor 5:9, I Peter 1:16