We are told to pray for those in leadership over us. That list can be rather extensive when you consider it your boss, mayor, senators and representatives both U.S. and state, governor—and subsequent positions under him and then president, vice-president, etc. Don’t forget your pastor!

NOTE: Are we to submit ALL governing authorities? Click here for what many miss in Romans 13.

Prayer for the individual in the White House, when they are not a Christian and doing things that harm our nation, often make us reluctant to pray. But God doesn’t say to pray if we like them. He says to pray for them. It also shouldn’t be prayers in which we tell God what to do or pray curses on them. Instead, we pray the Word of God over them.

In a conversation with someone this past week, we were talking about Biden and Harris along with the court case against Hunter Biden currently underway. That case should have been brought to court back before the 2020 election. The denial of the incriminating laptop and all Hunter had done was election interference via the FBI and the media who tried to convince the American people that the damning evidence, finally being exposed in the court case, wasn’t real. They knew it would derail Joe Biden’s bid for president. Instead they worked to focus eyes against Trump and “Russian Collusion” when the collusion was with the Biden’s, China and Ukraine, as evidence all shows.

We can’t change what happened then, but we can use our prayers, to pray for the Biden’s/Kamala Harris, and other elected officials/leaders now so that our prayers can provide the path for divine intervention.

Father, we honor You and Your Word as we pray for those in leadership over us with petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving so that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. Forgive us where we have grown lax in that responsibility.

You said the heart of the king is in Your hand and You would guide them in the way that they should go. We pray now for both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as they sit in the position of president and vice-president (along with our governor, mayor, etc) over this nation that you would guide and direct their steps and decisions for good for the people of this nation.

We pray that those who are controlling behind the scenes that the strings of that authority would be exposed and cut. We declare that bribes and blackmail will no longer be able to control Biden’s and Harris’ actions and decisions, but that the decisions coming from the White House and its leadership will be for America not against it.

Surround Biden and Harris with wise counsel and we pray for a removal and silence of evil counsel from their midst. We pray that they would serve the Lord with fear and celebrate His rule with trembling.

 We pray that where their hearts have been hard as stone, that they will be turned to a heart of flesh and turned. We know the scales of justice are in your hand and that You are a God of justice. As the Hunter Biden court case continues, we pray for the exposure of false witnesses and for the hidden things to be revealed. We pray the judge and jury will fear God and for a righteous decree.

Render to each one according to their deeds: to those who by perseverance in doing good seek for glory and honor—immortality and eternal life; but to those who are selfishly ambitious and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, wrath and indignation.

We pray that the eyes of the American people will be opened—at last—in all areas so that the lies that have been spoken can no longer find any soil in which to take root.

We pray that any assassination attempt over Biden or Harris would not succeed. But instead pray protection and a guard over them even as we pray that over Donald Trump. That any attempt to create crisis and chaos or provoke war in our nation, would not succeed.

We know that for lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers. We pray that those advising and the advice given to Harris and Biden will be straight from Your heart. That devious plans made to thwart this nation, fair elections, remove our Constitution and You as our guide, would come to confusion, their plans scuttled and replaced with Your plans and purposes as Your Remnant prays and stands as a hedge of protection over our nation.

Hear our cry, O Lord and deliver us, as You have delivered Your people throughout history, as they humble themselves before You and call on Your name. 

I Tim 2:1-2, Prov 21:1, Ps 2:11, Ez 36:26, Matt 10:26, Prov 16:11, Rom 2:6, Prov 11:14, Ez 22:30