Last week Nikki Haley finally endorsed Donald Trump for president saying she would vote for him. Ironically just a few days before, her brother, Mitti Randhawa, posted on Twitter, that they were headed to Milwaukee for the Republican National Convention and “Haley for president. I’m writing in Nikki Haley—join me” and “Trump is a crook.”

Confused? Don’t be. Her very late “endorsement” of Trump was necessary to position herself as “supporting him” rather than the fact she is behind a divisive and deceptive movement in which Republican

National Committee members in the Republican Party are working as the UniParty to prevent Trump from being the candidate and pave the way for her to take the nomination. (click here for details)

Americans need to look closely at Haley—as well as Robert F Kennedy, Jr. who is now running as an Independent—because there are huge issues regarding what they actually believe. They both position themselves as “good Christian conservatives.” But their own words and actions paint a different story. In short, Haley was raised in the Sikh religion. By her own admission, she continues to visit her gurdwara with family from time to time. A “gurdwara” is a place of assembly and worship for Sikhs. So although Haley says she has converted to Christianity she continues to worship at Sikh faith shrines. For true Christians that’s an issue. There aren’t many roads to God…there’s one—Jesus Christ. You can’t combine religions. Obama said he was a Christian too—as he celebrated Ramadan. It doesn’t work. We need to pay attention. Because if they lie about their religion just to get elected—they will lie about anything else.

Kennedy, although running as an Independent, is very much a liberal Democrat. The exception is his well-publicized courageous fight against vaccines including the COVID19 vax. It’s probably the only place I can agree with him. I’ve heard several Republican friends, who like his stand against vaccines, say, “I could possibly vote for him.” I would caution making those statements without doing your research. Kennedy is pro abortion, pro affirmative action—giving “marginalized” groups special protected status, an environmental lawyer and fully behind global warming—oops “climate change.” He supports getting rid of fossil fuels, getting rid of cars and reducing Americans use of carbon emissions. But wait, as he agrees to put all these restrictions on American’s, it will do nothing when China and India are not held to the same restrictions—which they aren’t. Doesn’t anyone else find that bizarre? It’s why climate change is a hoax. It’s goal is to restrict, monitor and control—which paves the way for the increasing surveillance state monitoring.

Around ten months ago, the Lord revealed to me one of the ways they would try to steal the election this year is through the delegates. If they can pass that new resolution—they can overturn who the candidate can be. This is the biggest concern, in my opinion for prayer now.

But there are many areas, involving the election, where we need to continue to pray. It includes the ongoing determination to keep Trump from running for office, to overturn the will and vote of the American people and to overturn our Constitution. We need wisdom. We need to recognize these ploys as we near the Republican National Convention and the attempt to present Haley as an alternative “Republican” candidate. If put in place the globalists would have a horse in both races—one of their own running for Democrat and Republican and wouldn’t care which one ran. Will Biden be the Democrat candidate? Probably not. Expect a shake up there as well…we must continue to pray.

Father, You see all and know all and we continue to ask for Your help regarding the upcoming election and turnaround in our nation. We know Your eyes are toward the righteous and your ears open to our cry.

Let all those who devise evil against America be ashamed and dishonored who seek the destruction of Donald Trump and our nation. May they be turned back and humiliated who devise evil against us. Let them be like chaff before the wind with the angel of the Lord driving them on. May their way be dark and slippery with the angel of the Lord pursuing them. Let destruction come upon them unawares and let the net which they have hidden catch them instead. We declare that those who cause someone to be indicted by a word, or who ensnare those who adjudicate at the gate, and defraud those in the right with meaningless arguments will come to an end and the scorner will be finished. Indeed all who are intent on doing evil will be cut off.

May all the earth fear the Lord. Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of You. For You spoke and it was done. You commanded and it stood fast. Nullify once again the counsel of the nations. Frustrate the plans of the people—the U.N., the globalists and all intent on overturning this nation and the upcoming election. We declare it is Your counsel that will stand forever and the plans of Your heart will endure from generation to generation.

 Ps 34:15, Ps 35:4-8, Isaiah 29:20 & 21, Ps 33:8-14