With the approaching election in November, protections over our voting process should be a primary concern. Blatant issues of corruption/theft from the 2020 election have yet to be resolved much less admitted by some. And now with the acknowledgment that illegals may get to vote, this week’s prayer must be something we continue to pray through November.

Remember in 2014, Obama granted 4.1 million undocumented parents legal status because they had children born here. I had a child born in China, but he wasn’t granted citizenship. It’s ridiculous that illegals are given citizenship in this manner. But Democrats have proven they will do anything in their quest to find new voters—even using loopholes in our legal code.

According to US Code 18 § 611 which is supposed to protect voting rights for citizens, is being manipulated. It says:

a) It shall be unlawful for any alien to vote in any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing a candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner, unless—

(1) the election is held partly for some other purpose. Wait, they shouldn’t get to vote at all!

An additional loophole says, that the law does not apply to an illegal if:

(3)the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting in violation of such subsection that he or she was a citizen of the United States.

Considering illegals are invited and then shipped all over the U.S. via planes, busses, etc. on taxpayer dime, why wouldn’t they think they are residents? Democrats also fight any requirement of an ID, signature proof to vote or citizenship status. It’s not hard to see what they are doing.

However, there was good news last week in Fulton County, Georgia, where it was admitted by the Election Board that the election was “flawed” and that there were significant issues in the counties handling of ballots. In question were more than 3000 ballots that were double-scanned during the machine recount. There was also a question of 17,000 ballots that were counted but not scanned—leading to the question if they really existed. Although the general counsel for the Georgia Secretary of State insists they do. Biden won over Trump by a mere 11,000 votes and 140 violations of election laws and rules were discovered. May other counties have admitted irregularities that allowed Biden to win.

Bottom line is election integrity should be a bipartisan issue. We should all want to ensure that only citizens vote and all votes are counted correctly. Sadly that is not the case.

NY and DC recently passed laws to allow illegals to vote in local elections. Rep. Chip Roy, with Sen Mike Lee are working to pass the “Save Act” (Safeguard American Eligibility Act) —a federal law to require documentation proof of citizenship when registering to vote. Currently, however, states are prevented from doing anything to check citizenship status of people who register to vote. 

We all knew that this was part of of the reason the Biden administration has allowed the flood of illegals to pour into our nation. There are an estimated 10 MILLION unvetted illegals here now. That could certainly change the status of an election—EXCEPT GOD!

Father, We lift up our nation and our upcoming election before You. We ask for Your divine intervention in both. Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, and powers of darkness that are driving their lies and manipulation of our election process. We declare those powers of darkness’ time has come to an end over this nation. May any attempt to allow illegals to vote, to count ballots more than once, to count fraudulent votes, to destroy votes for Trump, to intimidate people from voting, or shut down the in-person voting process, be exposed and stopped.

We declare that the election theft in 2020 will not be repeated. We declare this election will take place, will be fair, no internet interference, no voting machine manipulation, no mail in ballot manipulation. We declare that the will, rights and decision of American voters will be what decides this election. And that the eyes of all Americans will be opened to the truth of what is taking place. May all recognize the ongoing attempt of election interference to remove Donald Trump. May we rise up as one and declare that they will not succeed in their attempt to destroy this nation You love.

We pray for those who have been without the Spirit and blinded to what has taken place. Who have not believed there was election interference and are unable to understand because they have been blinded to the truth. We pray that the pride and veil of deception be pulled back now so that ALL will see and recognize what happened—and wake up to fight for truth and fair elections.

We declare that America will be saved from corruption, communism/socialist indoctrination, and any planned terrorist attacks meant to stop our election and take over our nation. Most importantly we declare revival and for hearts to return to You.

Eph 6:12, James 4:6, 2 Cor 2:14-16