The depth of mental illness and insanity is increasing at an alarming rate. While society tries to throw “fixes” at the issue, they are the ones actually creating it—and then demand federal money to “fix” the damage they are causing.


But the root of this issue is spiritual. Money won’t fix it. When morality has been removed and lawlessness rewarded, the framework of our Constitution is invalidated. John Adams, the first Vice President and second president in America stated clearly, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Combine that with a lack of the fear of the Lord—which is the beginning of wisdom, and you have the depth of growing and tragic mental illness escalating like a freight train down a mountain.


Consider who and what is at the helm in our government, the National Education Association, the World Health Organization, American Medical Association, etc. People of depraved minds who believe themselves to be gods. The definition of “depraved” is “marked by corruption or evil; especially : perverted.” That depravity is eating away at their minds.


Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done (Rom 1:28 NIV).


Consider how many schools actually allow children to “identify” as “furries”- an animal and be addressed as such at school, or the gender of their choosing. Drag queens who have their own children’s storyhours. Teaching children to believe they can choose their gender, give them drugs and mutilating surgery while hiding it from the parents…that is all insanity.


Laws are then created to protect the insanity and label anyone who dares to say “the Emporer has no clothes” as haters. A city near me just passed a new resolution based on the words of an LGBTQ student who said, “There aren’t going to be any students because everyone’s going to end up having suicide because they don’t feel OK here, they don’t feel like they’re welcomed, and they don’t feel like they really have a community because people are threatening to bomb and murder us every day.”


Think about that comment. “People are threatening to bomb and murder us every day.” Does that student need help? Absolutely, but isn’t getting it. Instead they are getting laws to “include” them by excluding others. Where is the sanity that men can enter a woman’s dressing room and if a woman complains THEY are the ones kicked out? Or a man who can compete as a woman, and if a woman complains (Riley Gaines) she is the one threatened and beat up?


Biden announced his concern for a transgender student in another city near me who recently committed suicide. Biden blamed it on the bullying of that student. But didn’t bother to say it was the student that had started bullying other students according to records. The media has covered up that her father had molested her. Instead they use her death to promote the LGBTQ agenda rathter than express concern for the mental instability and pain she experienced that created the gender confusion.


Transgender/LGBTQ are four times more risk of attempting suicide than their counterparts. That is a mental health issue of which the root is being ignored. Had the student in my area received help, rather than adults, compassionately pretending someone can be another gender, would she still be alive? Reaffirming mental and spiritual confusion is akin to abuse.


At this point, I’ve probably offended more than one reader who has a friend or family member they love who identifies as something else. Guess what, I do too. But if you truly love them, then even as you embrace them and pray for them, it’s okay to say, “this isn’t okay!” Here is how we can pray for people caught in that trap as well as those of depraved minds…


Father, We pray for those who are trapped in the lie of gender confusion, mental confusion, fear, rage and deception. We pray for their eyes to be opened to recognize that they are fearfully and wonderfully made. That You are their Creator and have a plan and purpose for their lives. We pray that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will. We call them to an understanding of their physical and spiritual identity and that the eyes of their understanding would be opened to know who they are in Christ. We renounce the spirit of suicide that is trying to take lives, and declare your assignment is over! We speak sanity and clarity of mind to those who have embraced the confusion of transgenderism and alternate lifestyles.


Lord you see how those of depraved minds who have worked to delude this generation into this mental illness. How they legislate lawlessness and create confusion in young minds. They have worked to plant fear, anger and division and have created a society that is blind to truth, full of selfish ambition and enraged at truth. 


We pray for those who although they knew of You, they neither glorify You as God nor give thanks to You. They have become futile in their thinking and darkened in their foolish hearts. They believe themselves to be God. Professing to be wise, they have become fools. You said, that he who trusts in his own heart is a fool, but he who walks wisely will be delivered. We pray that they will be delivered from foolishness and walk wisely.


We also pray over the man sitting as president over our nation and those directing him. His recent declaration to not defend Israel if Iran attacks is insanity. Those words to not represent the heart of most Americans nor our pledge to stand with Israel. Please stop the insanity! We pray for Biden and his administration to come to their senses NOW and escape out of the snare of the devil that has held them captive to do his will.

A wise man’s heart directs him toward the right, but the foolish man’s heart directs him toward the left. That has never been more clear than in politics between the Left and the Right. May our nation begin to see that truth. Not that the Republicans (Right) are perfect…far from it. But they still acknowledge God in their platform of which the Left has removed God from theirs. May people take note.

We declare over America, our families and our cities, “Return to the fear of the Lord for it is the beginning of knowledge! Return!” May we not be fools who despise wisdom and instruction, but that our hearts will listen for and discern Your Voice.


Father do not abandon us in our hour of need. Although America deserves judgment, for the sake of Your Remnant, deliver this nation and pour Your Spirit out upon us so that those of depraved mind, who are able to yet be restored, will come back to You.


Ps 139:14, 1 Tim 2:26, Rom 1:21, Prov 14:1, Romans 1:22, Prov 28:26, Ecc 10:2,

2 Tim 2:26, Prov 1:7