Most children spend at least 35 hours a week with teachers and classmates—their prime awake hours each day. During that time they are receiving instruction from someone other than their parents. But what instruction are they receiving?


The one benefit of the COVID lockdown was parents gained insight into the instruction—sometimes the lack thereof—taking place in their children’s schools. For some it provided a glimpse into the liberal propaganda public schools had been feeding our children rather than lessons in English, History, Math and Reading. In a nearby city where I live in Oklahoma, it was discovered that 70% of the children were reading below their grade level—some unable to read at all. In one school district, students were 3.5 grades levels behind on average in reading and 3.6 grades behind in math. Once exposed, the superintendent for that district stepped down. But then she was rewarded for the abysmal performance with the ENTIRE amount of the salary left in her contract and applauded by the mayor for a job well done!


That should leave you shaking your head, as student test scores proved the only job she did well was creating a space for indoctrination.


What about the schools in your area? Who is the superintendent? The principal? The school librarian (which we have learned is a gateway with many ordering sexually explicit books highly recommended by the American Library Association!)


Parents and grandparents must be alert. We can no longer assume schools are safe places from predators or confusing agendas.


Whether your child/grandchild is in public, private school or taking online courses, do not assume that they are safe. Much curriculum is now laced with social/emotional learning (SEL) segments. Sounds good right? It’s not. The “official” definition of SEL is the process of developing self-awareness, self-control and interpersonal skills.” Who wouldn’t want that? But as we are finding out is typical, what they make sound good, isn’t what it is.


For example, in one math book the teacher’s guide has a section called: “Social Awareness: Empathy” in which rather than teaching math, the teacher is to stop and get students to discuss their emotions. How does the math lesson made them feel? Sad, happy, frustrated? Valuable time teaching basic concepts instead becomes shaping. When I reached higher math it almost always made me frustrated! But focusing on that emotion wasn’t going to help me learn—just as it won’t help these students learn. Emotions are important—but not prioritized over learning necessary skills.


SEL takes time away from academics and works to undermines parental rights. One of the top curriculum publishers, McGraw Hill, as well as many others, have made SEL segments a mainstay in their books ensuring that each day your child’s character and thought patterns are being shaped in the direction THEY desire rather than learning to read, write and do math. Think this isn’t happening in your child’s school? Think again…


What can you do? One idea is to create small prayer teams of parents/grandparents to pray regularly over the schools in your city. Or perhaps just at your child’s school? We have targeted one city in our area that has 13 schools and are working to create teams who will regularly pray for each school.


We need to draw a bloodline of prayer around our schools, students, teachers and administrators. Will you pray with me this week and keep this for ongoing prayer for the schools in your city? These students are our future leaders. Hitler understood the importance of influencing children at a young age. No wonder we see this effort working to throw out previous curriculum and change it to SEL indoctrination and WOKE instruction. It’s time to pray to take our schools back.


Father, we thank You that You are Lord over our homes and our children as well as their education. We commit them to You and pray for protection over their hearts and minds as they receive educational instruction. We declare they have the mind of Christ and are renewed in the spirit of their mind which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. As we train them up in the way they should go, Your Word says that when they are older they will not depart from it. May Your Word be a lamp unto their feet and a light unto their path. We pray that they will have wisdom to know right from wrong and refuse wrong.


We pray over their school and the schools in (city & state). We pray if they have been transformed into institutes of propaganda, that any curriculum and/or teachers, administrators who are using the schools to indoctrinate the children in liberal ideology and confusion would be completely overhauled and the instruction returned to training them in the basics as in the days of old. Where the Bible and biblical instruction has been removed, which provided a moral foundation for life, may it be restored so that our children will not have reprobate minds.


We pray over the students who do not have actively engaged parents. Who are not receiving biblical instruction or wise guidance. We pray for protection over them as well. We pray over the schools in (your city & state) and declare that they will no longer be institutions of confusion, propaganda, indoctrination or molestation physically or mentally. We thank you for the teachers who are there, on a mission, to give true instruction in reading, writing, math and history. Who are there to truly teach and protect the students. Give them grace mentally and physically for each day as well as wisdom and favor with the students, administration and parents.


We uproot in prayer any seeds of confusion, hate, racism, liberalism and indoctrination that may have taken root in these young minds/hearts and cancel it. We pray that in its place their minds/hearts would be filled with the knowledge of God and they would know their true identity in Christ. Plant their feet on the road to know their true destiny and identity and that they have a future and hope. That they will call upon You and come and pray to You, and recognize that You listen to them. We pray they will seek You and find You when they search for You with all their heart.


For any schools using curriculum laced with social-emotional learning (SEL) indoctrination, we pray that it would be exposed and the curriculum destroyed and replaced with curriculum that truly teaches the basics. That history books will teach true American history, not revisionist history, or hatred of this nation. For any teachers or administrators there to promote transgenderism, wokeism*, liberal ideology, racism and hate, we pray it would be exposed and they would be removed and replaced with teachers who desire to help the students actually learn and achieve basic life schools and instruction. Where studens are behind, we pray for a season of “catch-up” that they can learn easily and get back to their grade level.


We pray for the teachers who have been targeted and disciplined for bringing Christ into the classroom. May they be a beacon of light and encouragement to their students and that your favor rests upon them. Protect them Lord and bless them. We pray provision for them where their salary isn’t enough, that You are more than enough and provide what they have need of.



(Teaching moment: What is propaganda? Where words are redefined to seem good but hide the true meaning. For example the term “wokeism” in one dictionary is defined as:  “the behaviour and attitudes of people who are sensitive to social and political injustice.” Hardly. Wokeism is the active indoctrination of minds to accept prejudice, division and injustice as normal and berate those who don’t share their defined beliefs.)


Eph 4:23, I Cor 2:16, Prov 22:6, Ps 119:105, Jer 29:11-13