With the reversal of Roe v Wade 9 months ago, it’s easy to step back from intercession over this important issue. But trust me when I say those who advocate for the right to kill babies in the womb are enraged and have increased their efforts to make all abortions legal to the same degree as before and more. Did you know Biden threatened to veto any attempt at a national ban?
Last week, actress/activist Jane Fonda stated in an interview, “We’re not going back. I don’t care what the laws are. We’re not going back,” she said regarding protecting the abortion industry. When asked what could be done to protest the current restrictions on abortion she replied, “I’ve thought of murder.” You might think she said, “Just joking,” after that chilling statement, but it never came.
That is the insanity driving this murderous spirit that warps the mind of those who believe it is their right to kill an unborn child. Evidently, we now see some believe it is okay to murder those who would try to stop them from their demonic desire.
What is the law in your state? This isn’t a federal issue. It has always been a state issue and with the reversal of Roe v Wade it is now back to the states to determine where they stand. Do you know what the law is where you live? It’s important to find out and pray from that place.
In Oklahoma, we currently have one of the most strict abortion laws in the U.S. It prohibits abortion except for cases where the mother’s life is in danger. However, recently a Republican senator has proposed a bill that would expand the current legislation to include rape, incest and what could be a loophole to reopen the door for chemical abortions—some of the most dangerous and unmonitored—which make up 50% of abortions. Why would a supposed pro-life legislator do that? Well it gets worse when I tell you that the National Right to Life director AND the state chair for Oklahomans for Life have encouraged our pro-life legislators to vote FOR the legislation. Their rationale is that if we expand the law, the liberals will leave us alone and more people will feel comfortable with it. This reveals the sad state of affairs and mindset regarding both the life of the unborn and the lack of courage and prayer for those who stand as pro-life.
One of the arguments to expand legal abortion is to include pregnancies from rape. Those who have been victims of such a horrific crime need to know that their attackers will be brought to justice, but why is the child made a second victim? Known personalities who were conceived by rape include minister James Robison, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s adopted daughter Zahara, former Fox & Friends weekend co-anchor Kelly Wright, 2014 Miss Pennsylvania, Valerie Gatto and surprise, surprise pro-abortion activist, Jesse Jackson—who wouldn’t be alive if his mother had followed his activism. When we ask what would Jesus say about aborting these children, we know the answer.
What is happening in your state? I encourage you to check. This is heavy on my heart and I’m sure yours as well after what I have shared. It is our prayer focus this week, but obviously must remain on our ongoing radar for prayer!
Father we know how important children are to You. You repeatedly made that distinction in the Bible. You made time for them and said, “If anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the sea.” As we pray for the protection of children in the womb and out of it, we ask that You would pour out courage on our legislators and pro-life ministries that they will truly stand for life and not just their own survival. That they will not back down from the support of life in an effort to hide from attack or to go along to get along. May they stand fast. Father, this is a difficult battle and they are up against Goliath. We pray that they will not bow to bribes or blackmail. Give them wisdom and strength to stand up against child murder.
We pray for these little ones in the womb. Lord, we understand why some might embrace abortion in the case of rape or incest. We pray for healing for those who have been victims of such a horrific crime and attack even as we pray that the little ones who are a product of it. May they not be penalized for what is not their fault. Bring healing to the hearts and minds of these women. We pray they will receive wise counsel and help. We uproot the fear deposited in them from violation. Restore them Lord. If they do not yet know You, send people to minister to them and share with them of Your love. What was perhaps the worst thing that ever happened to them, lead them into the best thing that can happen to them in meeting You.
We pray that the victory to overturn legalized abortion will not be lost or eroded. You see where they continue to federally fund abortions through loopholes and where governors in pro-death states such as California and New York have mocked the reversal and invited women to come to their states on tax-payer money to kill their children. Father we pray for the mothers who are afraid or simply seeking a way to end their pregnancies. Open their hearts and eyes to see the baby within them. Give them the heart of a mother to at least give their child up for adoption and a chance at life. Change the course of their lives so that not only the child is saved, but their life, spiritually is saved.
We bind the actions of leaders who offer tax-dollars to fund abortions and travel to get to abortion centers. We bind the satanic sacrifice of these children and the actions of those who advocate for it. You have given us authority to pray and to stand for our cities and states. In that authority we declare that (your city) and (your state) will be abortion free zones.
We pray that the deception and blinders as to what abortion is will be lifted and it will be scene as the barbaric murderous act it is. We pray that the demonic activity behind the crazed insane push for the right to murder babies in the womb will be bound and cast out. We pray for Biden and his administration which have said they will reverse Roe v Wade and make abortion part of a permanent federal law. Lord you see the demonic activity that controls them. We pray that they will stop and repent from these actions, but Father, if they will not remove them now.
We pray for our legislators both federal and state who have been either intimidated, blackmailed or convinced that they need to regulate abortion rather than abolish it. We also pray for pro-life ministries who are okay with simply regulating abortion and more interested in their ongoing ability to exist and fundraise. We pray for those who call abortion “reproductive justice” the lie that chemical abortions are not dangerous. Father continue to expose the lies and bring truth. We pray that You will turn the hearts of the fathers (and mothers) to the children so that life is once again sacred.
Mark 9:42