When I listen to a news broadcast or the presidential debates, a righteous indignation arises within me at the blatant lies, reported as fact, told day after day. Is there any wonder why the president comes across as a street fighter as he fights to defend himself from the ongoing attacks? He is constantly dog-piled by the media, Congress, the medical community, etc. And yet even as he speaks truth, it is called a lie. It is time we bind these lies and pray for vindication!
Lord you said that what we bind on earth is bound in heaven and what we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Today we bind the lies streaming from the media, the medical community, Congress, etc. We forbid them to continue to be spread and in their place we loose the spirit of truth.
Father, You said no weapon forged against us would prosper and that we would refute every tongue that accuses us. In Jesus’ name we refute the lies of the media and liberal leaders and call for their mouths to be shut just as you closed the mouths of the lions in Daniel’s day. Lord we ask that you would not only silence the lying lips which speak arrogantly against the righteous with pride and contempt, but that you would expose the lies. You said that whoever pours out lies will not go free. Lord we ask for justice and righteousness to prevail. Hold the unrighteous accountable for the lies that they spew. Vindicate President Trump, vindicate us for You said that this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and our vindication is from You.
Where he has been unjustly accused and blamed, Lord we ask that You would step in and vindicate him! You said you would contend with those who contend with us and You would fight against those who fight against us. Lord we ask for YOU to show up and bring Your vindication in this hour against this onslaught of lies.
We declare that although they plot against the president and against us, that their evil schemes will never succeed.
Lord, You see their plan to steal the election and their plan to bring chaos and try to prevent the announcement of a winner. We bind their hands and plans and declare they will not succeed. We bind their plan to keep this decision in a perpetual state of lengthy lawsuits. We pray for and loose Your divine intervention for a settled outcome on November 3. We declare that this election will be fair and that the ongoing release of multiple mail-in ballots without oversight will be stopped. Lord, we bind fraud from the voting process and polling places and we loose integrity in its place.
We declare that the justice due us does not escape your notice for You are the Everlasting God, the Lord the Creator of the ends of the earth. You do not become weary or tire and Your understanding is inscrutable. You give strength to the weary and to him who lacks might You increase power. Though youths grow weary and tired and vigorous young men stumble badly, yet ALL who wait on You will gain new strength. We will mount up with wings like eagles. We will run and not get tired. We will walk and not be weary. Lord re-energize us to continue to press in.
May Your glory be revealed in our nation and throughout the world in this election that all will see that YOU are Lord over America and Your hand is upon us and the outcome. Our hope and trust is in You.