Lord, we humble ourselves before you as we recognize that pride opens the door to deception. We ask you to reveal any area of pride in our lives so that we can uproot it. Let not the foot of pride come upon us, our families, our church, our nation. We command it to bow its knee and that any darkness or mist that has cov-ered our eyes, any area of deception that has blinded our eyes to be removed. We say go now!

We also pray over our leaders, pastors, the media, our nation, and our families that You would give us a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of You. I pray that the eyes of our heart would be enlightened, so that we will know what is the hope of Your calling in our lives. That we would know what are the riches of the glory of Your inheritance to the saints, and the surpassing greatness of Your power toward us who be-lieve in accordance with the working of the strength of Your might. May the world see Your might and a demonstration of your power in this hour.

We bind the spirit of witchcraft and deception in our land and release the Spirit of Truth to prevail. Where eyes have been blinded to truth, I pray now that the veil would be removed so we can walk in Your Truth. Help us to see as You see. Give us wisdom, insight and understanding to see from your perspective for you said we are seated with You in heavenly places. Let us see from THAT perspective.

We pray that the spirit of apathy would be cast out. Lord open our eyes if we are under that spell. Awaken our hearts and open our eyes to the desperate need of this hour to fast and pray for your glory to be re-vealed. May we not stay holed up in our homes waiting for this to pass but instead to pressing into You to pray for revival and heart transformation.

We declare that we are renewed in the spirit of our mind which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. And that those who have been caught in the web of deception would come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil that has held them captive to do his will.

We pray that those who err in their mind will know the truth and those who criticize will accept instruction. That as pride bows its knee to You Lord, so also may the spirit of hate, criticism and shaming that is all around us bow. We declare that Your transforming love and revival will fill our land, our homes, our churches, our businesses and our government. Where division and hate has ruled, we pray for transformed hearts by the power of God, so that eyes are opened, the hearts of the father’s will be turned to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers. That people will turn their hearts and minds back to You and that we will see Your glory fill the earth.

Ps. 36:11, Eph 1:17-19, Eph 4:23, 2 Tim 2:26, Isaiah 29:24.