by Karen Hardin | Aug 30, 2021
It’s impossible not to address the situation in Afghanistan this week, nor some of the troubling issues it signals for America. This week’s preliminary information is long, and not meant to cause anyone to be fearful. Instead it is a word of warning to open our eyes...
by Karen Hardin | Aug 23, 2021
Kim Potter’s granddaughter made the most amazing comment this past week. The two weren’t even talking, when her granddaughter lifted her head from a coloring project and blurted out, “Nana, if you don’t want to keep being the target, then be the weapon.” She had no...
by Karen Hardin | Aug 16, 2021
It’s interesting and disturbing that a word search for “protection” pops up pictures of masks and condoms. That may be what the world sees as “protection.” However, as believers, our protection is in God and His Word. I felt this week it was important to go back to...
by Karen Hardin | Aug 9, 2021
Thank you to all who prayed and fasted this past week! I heard from many of you regarding how impacting it was. City-by-City intercessor, Patty V., received this word from the Lord during the fast, “My Word is the battering ram. Continue speaking My Word and ‘ram...
by Karen Hardin | Aug 2, 2021
This is a reminder of our corporate day of fasting and prayer tomorrow, Wednesday, August 4. We are continuing to pray ask God for godly leaders and also to target specific people in leadership and issues listed below in a STATE-by-STATE PRAYER ASSIGNMENT: Please pray...
by Karen Hardin | Jul 26, 2021
One of Dutch Sheet’s recent, “Give Him 15” messages spoke of the power of specific prayer and destroying strongholds. It caused me to dig deeper into 2 Cor 10:3-5 which says, For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of...