by Karen Hardin | Jan 3, 2022
There are two things the Lord has spoken to me regarding 2022. It will be a global return to the fear of the Lord. Regarding how we pray, it will be a year to contend. We have been contending and need to continue, but it will be a year to contend especially for...
by Karen Hardin | Dec 27, 2021
Last week’s prayer, “Like Mary” was a focus on you as is this week. I felt it was important to prepare and strengthen for what is ahead. (click here if you missed last week.) I know many have felt weary from the onslaught. The intensity hasn’t let up has it? I pray...
by Karen Hardin | Dec 19, 2021
The past couple of weeks, I have pondered Mary’s words recorded in Luke 1:46-47, “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed. We...
by Karen Hardin | Dec 12, 2021
Kim and I have been processing a word the last several days which she received from the Lord recently. We have both continued to pray into it and felt it was a word that we should share with you. As we come to a close for 2021, as usual, there are many prophetic...
by Karen Hardin | Dec 5, 2021
I’m sure you have sensed, as I have, an increase in disruptions in communication across our nation, perhaps in your personal life as well. This is on top of the tsunami of strife, division and lies promoted as truth. What am I referring to regarding these disruptions?...
by Karen Hardin | Nov 29, 2021
On Wednesday, Dec. 1, the Supreme Court will hear Dobbs vs Jackson which is perhaps the strongest chance since 1992 to overturn the horrendous Roe v Wade decision legalizing abortion. It is estimated that over 62.5 MILLION babies have been murdered since abortion...